Recent content by MadisonB&C

  1. MadisonB&C

    Broadhead issues

    Took my bow in to scheels years ago to switch mods...after a suspiciously long time the guy tracked me down and said "Your bow is ready...oh, and I adjusted your timing". Couldn't hit the target @ 20 yards when I got home. My arrows were also under-spined at the time, just made the situation...
  2. MadisonB&C

    Caught Some River Flathead Catfish!

    Can't show the stomach contents, but figured I'd jump in here. Never caught a flathead before, now I'm hooked. My wife and I were floating and pulling in channel cats left and right, but when we found this hole the action dried up suddenly. We worked the cut bank of the hole pretty thoroughly...
  3. MadisonB&C

    The ONE that got away

    This one stung. Died in August shortly after these pictures. I watched a couple bigger in front of cameras that were stolen before I could check them, and one bigger that never cooperated with my cameras, but these are by far the best pictures I ever brought home.
  4. MadisonB&C

    Kubota RTV

    Dad is selling his Kubota. If anyone needs a work horse for the farm, contact me and I'll get you in touch with him.
  5. MadisonB&C

    No Trespassing!!

    This guy asking the real questions. We need answers!
  6. MadisonB&C

    Early muzz and bow

    Oh, definitely Fliers. He gnarly.
  7. MadisonB&C

    Early muzz and bow

    I guess it's about time to post these! It was a crazy tough year on camera and from the tree, and these 2 were pretty much the best deer I had on camera at the time. Neither is built to score, but I'm grateful there were still a couple mature deer to hunt after the brutal die offs we had before...
  8. MadisonB&C

    Shot analysis needed

    Been there. Found him during shed season 600 yards hindsight, I don't think waiting 24 hours would have been out of hand, but bare minimum 12. Very tough shot to recover, but even if you bumped him, there's a good chance he could circle back and die somewhere you feel you already...
  9. MadisonB&C

    Good quivers? Need one asap

    Love my G5 Head-Loc
  10. MadisonB&C

    Moosehunter finally has a season

    It's been too long! I'm truly happy to see another Moose buck on the ground. Congrats, Perry!
  11. MadisonB&C

    2019 trail cam contest

    Awesome deer...gotta be 160+! Really hard to tell with the camera tilt.
  12. MadisonB&C

    November greens?

    What he said. I had 25 deer piled into a 1/4 acre almost every night mid oct. - mid nov. a couple years ago. Very reliable bow hunting plot.
  13. MadisonB&C

    My Knowledge & Solution quest for Info to combat EHD & TICKS....

    Makes me wonder what the cost of vaccinating cattle would be.
  14. MadisonB&C

    Best Summer Buck Pics

    I like corn. 50-100 lbs a week depending on deer density, then after 2-3 weeks I usually move the camera. By that point either nothing worthwhile has shown itself or you're going to pile up repeat pictures of the same buck. If a target buck has shown up, moving the camera a few hundred yards and...
  15. MadisonB&C

    Best hunting or habitat question u ever got?

    Gotta work on that sarcasm, Skip...turn it up a notch and he'll catch on. ;)