Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Recent content by trophybluf@borderlandnet.

  1. T

    NR party hunting to be eliminated

    Reading the comments this change appears to have hit a few nerves. It only took some NR to screw things up. First, some weren't happy just buying a doe tag and hiring one resident kid for peanuts with a buck tag, they had to hire two kids with buck tags to sit in the blind, so he could kill two...
  2. T

    Changing the Hunting Industry- Matt Rinella- podcast & discussion

    Way to much whining for me. Without the property taxes in this Country, how would states operate? To claim the guys in THP are ruining public hunting is ludicrous. They are just a bunch of young guys doing what they enjoy, while trying to make a living. They actually are teaching hunters how to...
  3. T

    Rain totals??

    About 8/10 " north of you a few miles. Really dry and hopefully get more soon. 5.5% organic matter is great and a good goal for food plotters to try to get to!
  4. T

    Apple/Pear Trees

    Just to let anyone who is interested in planting apple trees that it is very doable! Give them attention and they do well. Planted about 365 about 20 years ago at our WI farm and roughly 350 plus are still doing well. Planted about 65 on our IA about 5 years ago and roughly 60 survived...
  5. T

    Who do you prefer, DeSantis or Trump?

    The only reason Trump will have a hard time getting elected is the corruption is soooooo bad in this country they will do anything to stop him. Trump is a nationalist and a huge threat to the globalist and without a doubt the only one that has a prayer to stop the big dream of one world order.
  6. T

    Shooting does

    One bad year of EHD in your area where it kills 75% to 85% you won't have to worry about deer populations for about five years. Be careful on this so called deer management. EHD devastated the population a couple years back on our farm and it is finally rebounding. Even with our deer population...
  7. T

    Fire humiliates me again!!!!!!

    We do a quite a bit of burning over here each year. If there is anything to learn, every fire reacts differently!
  8. T

    Brain damaging land Prices

    We have been working on setting up a trust the last couple of years. That exemption number is reasonably high now due to the Trump tax cuts. However, if I remember correctly, those tax cuts sunset or end in ten years after Trump signed that bill. Then they would have to be made permanent or the...
  9. T

    Who do you prefer, DeSantis or Trump?

    Well just for a simple starting point! DeSantis is backed big time by the Bushes, Paul Ryan, Karl Rove, Club for Growth and other swamp creatures. He is also backed by George Soros big time. All would be considered globalist. Read, Agenda 2030, by the Word Economic Forum ( WEF ) and see what the...
  10. T

    Who do you prefer, DeSantis or Trump?

    PLEASE do your research on DeSantis and I think you will change your mind. Trump without a doubt!
  11. T

    Need an ATV - UTV

    Well said above on Rangers. Unfortunately, we have one at each farm. Built extremely cheap. Unlike some, we do not even attempt to pull anything like small food plot equipment, hay bales, etc. Since day one we have had to replace wheel bearings, cv boots, axles and seals, tie rod ends, weld...
  12. T

    Land prices / insane!!!

    As interest rates climb and the stock market corrects, rec land has always decreased in my lifetime. As commodities drop and interest rates increase ag land has also dropped. In the 80's, I remember several farmers buying ag ground for $3500 an acre, thinking there was no end to overpriced land...
  13. T

    Idea of the day on fighting back special interests that will ruin our state???

    Hiring a lobbyist I believe, is a great idea! Back when I was in business we would have gotten killed by large company's that had their lobbyist. We hired a great one and it paid off tremendously. The key to this is finding and hiring a smart ambitious one with very high people skills, that...
  14. T

    Observation from hunting Illinois and change with crossbows allowed for full Archery Season.

    We have a fairly large farm up in NE Wisconsin. A few years ago, the State approved the use of crossguns for the entire bow season. The DNR had their annual spring public meetings around the State and crossguns were on the agenda. They told the public they estimated 25% of the archery hunters...
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