Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. Old Buck

    Exit Sandman

    A great buck, lots of history, shared with family, it doesn't get much better than that! Thanks for sharing the story and congratulations on a buck well earned.:)
  2. Old Buck

    Deer Numbers

    The following is one of the questions from an interview with Dale Garner, Iowa DNR Wildlife Bureau Chief. The interview was published in the Ames Tribune in September, 2013. Remember all of this was before another year of heavy EHD hit many parts of the state. Q The DNR has eliminated the...
  3. Old Buck

    Larry Zach shot a giant

    Friends, old and new, I finally made time to check in to Iowa Whitetail earlier today and read all the posts. I really appreciate the time you took to extend congratulations and share comments. At my age the auto-delete feature in my brain frequently activates, and it did again this...
  4. Old Buck

    Allison's 1st Buck is a Dandy! VIDEO LINK ADDED

    Great hunt, great story, great memories! Congratulations to both of you! Great hunt, great story. It made me start thinking about first deer hunts with my kids, about 16 years ago! I'll have to dig out those old video tapes. I'm looking forward to watch your hunt on Midwest Whitetails...
  5. Old Buck

    Zach Gallery Closing in 3 days, Old Buck heading back outdoors!

    Thanks guys. I've been blessed to be able to make a living while doing something I enjoy so much. A big part of that is all the great people I meet along the way who share many of the same passions. Marcia (wife), Chris (son), Molly (canine sidekick) and I have only one day left on a 14 day...
  6. Old Buck

    Zach Gallery Closing in 3 days, Old Buck heading back outdoors!

    I'm sure some of you have noticed that I've been posting on Iowa Whitetail less frequently the last few years. Part of that was due to the time demands of running a retail gallery. That will soon change. Marcia and I are in the process of changing the way we run the business. In brief...
  7. Old Buck

    Elevated blind question.

    Some ideas.... I've been building and bowhunting out of blinds for a long time and can share a couple of ideas. For bowhunting out of an elevated blind I make my windows about 6" across and 24" verticle. With a bow your line of sight and arrow flight take up some verticle distance. Add to...
  8. Old Buck

    How Old?

    I agree with all above that this is an older buck. My opinion is that management-wise you may want to remove this buck from the herd. Not for genetic reasons but because he may be dominating the area and driving off younger, higher potential bucks that otherwise might stay in the area. Remove...
  9. Old Buck

    Foam marker for quad spraying?

    Thanks for all the input. I ended up getting a rig at Sprayer's Specialties. They have a Grimes address but are actually located near Cutty's on the NE side of DM. The owners are avid hunters and have lots of whitetail heads and turkey fans on the wall. They were great people to work with...
  10. Old Buck

    Foam marker for quad spraying?

    Anyone have any information or experience with putting a foam marker on the booms for a quad sprayer? What works? What doesn't? Cost? I'm tired of trying to figure out where I've sprayed and where I haven't. Old Buck
  11. Old Buck

    rally for conservation, at the statehouse!!!

    Iowa Whitetailers, I think this is the best opportunity I've seen in my lifetime to provide long term funding for natural resources in Iowa. I hope to see many of you at the capital on April 9. Old Buck
  12. Old Buck

    Corn and beans in same food plot?

    I've had great luck with both corn and soybeans individually in food plots. Now I'd like to try both planted together. Has anyone tried this and if so how did you do it and how did it work? I have a 4 row corn planter and a 6' drill available. Both corn and beans will be roundup ready...
  13. Old Buck

    Old Buck needs help!

    Thanks guys! I knew I could get help here. In addition to replying on the thread some pm'd photos and even loaned me a rubbed post. Thanks again. I'll post the image when it is done. Old Buck
  14. Old Buck

    Old Buck needs help!

    Hello fellow whitetail fanatics! I haven't been posting much for awhile. I have been checking Iowa Whitetails periodically but I've mostly been gathering reference material, painting and hunting. I'm still working on Dream Bucks II. It will feature the Brian Andrews buck, a tremendous...
  15. Old Buck

    IA DNR Forestry programs

    I've been planting trees since 1990. Since I'm working in deer habitat deer are almost always a problem. I've tried doing nothing, using tubes, individual cages, fenced nursery areas etc. The most effective technique seems to be to shoot a lot of does until your trees are big enough. If I...
  16. Old Buck

    Rut question

    My opinion is that breeding in Iowa takes place at basically the same time each year. Otherwise fawn drop dates would vary from year to year. I also think daytime buck activity is impacted by cool weather and moon phase. Any time the weather cools down from mid-October through late November...
  17. Old Buck

    Looks like

    I've got patches of some grass that looks alot like this. They are seeding right now. The whole patch looks maroon because of all the seed heads. Any ideas? Old Buck
  18. Old Buck

    Micorsoft funds the anti-hunting movement!!!!!

    Here is an update on the situation. Old Buck U.S. Sportsmen’s Alliance 801 Kingsmill Parkway, Columbus, OH 43229 Ph. 614/888-4868 • Fax 614/888-0326 Website: www.ussportsmen.org • E-mail: [email protected] FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Beth Ruth (614) 888-4868 ext. 214...
  19. Old Buck

    Micorsoft funds the anti-hunting movement!!!!!

    Sorry to bring up bad news but here is some very disturbing information. If you like to hunt, fish or trap your passions are under attack and will be supported by Micosoft. We now live in an age when we must be ready to defend the things we believe in. For this to change Microsoft needs to...
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