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New World Record?

There is NO minimum requirement. Most times the breakeven number is 12 4/8. Most of the time it is the hunters choice and most choose whichever the deer ranks the highest relative to the other entered deer.
WOW! What a deer, I hope it is scored as a typical. We need a new world record its been long enough. There is always something with giant deer. I goose hunted in Canada about 5 years ago and some of the local boys who deer hunt said the world record was shot out of a truck :drink1:. So there is always something. Come on B&C score him typical.
So, in your eyes, b/c of the gun it's lacking work, sacrifice and knowledge??
I'll be the anti of your stance and say I hope the next one is killed with a gun b/c the more time I'm alive the more I feel that bow only hunters have an elitist attitude over the commoners who hunt when they can, with what they can, like myself.

You're not really calling yourself a "commoner" everyday hunter are you?!?!?! Come on now. :grin:

Yep, I absolutely believe it takes more "WORK, SACRIFICE & KNOWLEDGE" to shoot giant deer with a bow. Yep, and that ain't being an elitist, I absolutely, unapologetically believe that!!! We could go back & fourth & write paragraphs on this BUT, come on... Most folks have to get within 25 yards of a monster buck VS what, 200 yards (or more)? Getting a monster mature buck within 25 yards, drawing undetected and making the one shot you have, pretty darn hard!!! This is coming from someone who trades in the bow for a shotgun & muzzleloader on several occasions every year. Just because I think bowhunting is more work, harder, more time consuming & more challenging, etc doesn't make a person an elitist. I personally think it's just "calling it like I see it" in my opinion.

I'll gun hunt. My shotgun is actually good out to almost 200 yards. Multiple shots though. Actually think my shotgun is a little easier than my ML becasue ML is one shot. Then, going from a 200 yard ML (almost a 1 shot rifle) to a bow, it's just not on the same planet. Heck, even my stands (and most folks) are totally different..... I have to pick trails with bow- have to get pinch points, crossings, etc- all to get inside that 25 yard range while also avoiding the wind. THEN, with my ML or shotgun.... Heck, I can sit on a field edge downwind of all the deer- I have 300-400 yards of timber a deer could walk out to, all while I'm undetected, no wind issues usually, no drawing, little movement issues, etc, etc. Point, remain as calm & steady as possible & hope for the best.

And then, a deer drive with 15 guys, you're the "lucky stander" - the one out of 15 or WHATEVER that smokes a mega giant? That's all cool & great & CONGRATS to any lucky hunter BUT there's just no way you can convince me that's in the same universe as hunting that buck with a bow & playing the game all season & finally getting him into 25 yards. Not being elitist, just stating my opinion and some pretty reasonable logic.

Again, coming from a dude that gladly picks up a shotgun or ML while also dedicating most the season to chasing em with a bow. I sure do hope the next WR is shot by a bowhunter BUT me hoping for it ain't gonna change a thing and don't matter a hill of beans. Something special about an "everyday guy" like myself or my buddies who spend some free time beyond their fam, job, etc and make it happen with the bow & arrow on a mature buck. Nothing matches it FOR ME. Props to anyone that gets in done legally though & puts down a mega giant like any of these bucks.
I love these kinds of discussion. If I had a dollar for everytime I heard. " anybody can kill a big buck with a bow" I'd have a lot more time to hunt. Some fellas think that since your hunting the rut that automatically you will shoot a good one. I've killed for more nice bucks with a bow than I have with a shotgun or muzzeloader. I also put in 5x the amount of time during November than I do during the gun seasons. I'm also very picky late muzzy season. The bucks have made it that far into the season and I can most generally pick-up their sheds in a month or so.
There is a reason more huge world class deer are killed during deer drives. That reason is that they are completely nocturnal old rreclusive deer that most generally you will not ever see. Let alone during daylight. I don't care who shoots it or what they shoot it with. As long as taken legally. I'm ready to see a new world record. Hell, I'd like to see a completely giant deer killed that didn't have some weird looming suspicious story behind it. That would be nice for a change as well.
So everybody on here. This is the year. Pass up all the 200" typicals with common base g3's and shoot the new world record typical.
I'm ready to see a new world record. Hell, I'd like to see a completely giant deer killed that didn't have some weird looming suspicious story behind it. That would be nice for a change as well.

Thank goodness nowadays folks have caught on.... You shoot a mammoth, gargantuan record deer- call the DNR right away. Have them go over everything for the pure fact that all those crazy discussions & rumors don't happen.

On the flip side, unfortunately a lot of "garbage" does happen. Look at KS state record that was just posted on here- poached. Crap like that does happen a lot. More of a reason to just have DNR verify everything. And, another notch & advantage to bowhunting..... Sure weeds out a lot of poaching. If you have an arrow hole, it takes the amount of possible violations & poaching possibilities down substantially.
I don't have the figures (impossible to get the true figures), but I'd almost argue that more giant, top-end deer are killed with a bow than with a gun. If YOU (anyone) sets out to target one singular, specific deer to kill with a bow or gun, then I could see the argument that YOUR odds are better with a gun than with a bow. It's easy to make the straight simple argument of a 30 yard shot vs. 200 yard shot, but that fails to take into consideration deer movement, variations in properties... a whole host of things that can make a bow-sit more productive than a gun sit or push.

I think most giants meet their doom by some random hunter sitting unsuspectantly in a bow-stand, especially with the amount of bowhunters out there nowadays. If we could somehow figure out the odds of someone going out and randomly sitting somewhere in November with a bow vs. January with a gun, I'd bet the bow is the better bet. Like I said, no way to accurately show any sort of statistic, but I really don't think guns offer the advantage that many people think when you are talking the super rare, record pushing deer.
I don't have the figures (impossible to get the true figures), but I'd almost argue that more giant, top-end deer are killed with a bow than with a gun. If YOU (anyone) sets out to target one singular, specific deer to kill with a bow or gun, then I could see the argument that YOUR odds are better with a gun than with a bow. It's easy to make the straight simple argument of a 30 yard shot vs. 200 yard shot, but that fails to take into consideration deer movement, variations in properties... a whole host of things that can make a bow-sit more productive than a gun sit or push.

I think most giants meet their doom by some random hunter sitting unsuspectantly in a bow-stand, especially with the amount of bowhunters out there nowadays. If we could somehow figure out the odds of someone going out and randomly sitting somewhere in November with a bow vs. January with a gun, I'd bet the bow is the better bet. Like I said, no way to accurately show any sort of statistic, but I really don't think guns offer the advantage that many people think when you are talking the super rare, record pushing deer.

I'd have to disagree. I've heard way to many "Johnny was sitting out there by that big ol' oak tree and this sumbixxx ran right to him":D

There's no rock unturned during shotgun season.
I'd have to disagree. I've heard way to many "Johnny was sitting out there by that big ol' oak tree and this sumbixxx ran right to him":D

There's no rock unturned during shotgun season.

Oh I've seen it and heard it as well :D

I'm not talking sheer numbers of big deer, rather, the very few world class deer out there. In the last .... 10 years maybe... what do you think the numbers of 200+ that have been shot by a gun vs. a bow? A quick search at the deer classic results (which aren't all the big deer I know) shows bigger deer getting entered with bow kills. You could argue that bow hunters have more time to hunt them, but I'd argue that the average days hunting would be closer than you think .... if you took all the top kills and asked the hunter how many days they hunted for them, I bet the time spent would be pretty even. Most hunters, bow or gun, can only hunt a few days a year regardless of weapon.

Just a thought, and it really doesn't bother me either way. The hunt really isn't about the weapon you are using.
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Oh I've seen it and heard it as well :D

I'm not talking sheer numbers of big deer, rather, the very few world class deer out there. In the last .... 10 years maybe... what do you think the numbers of 200+ that have been shot by a gun vs. a bow? A quick search at the deer classic results (which aren't all the big deer I know) shows bigger deer getting entered with bow kills. You could argue that bow hunters have more time to hunt them, but I'd argue that the average days hunting would be closer than you think .... if you took all the top kills and asked the hunter how many days they hunted for them, I bet the time spent would be pretty even. Most hunters, bow or gun, can only hunt a few days a year regardless of weapon.

Just a thought, and it really doesn't bother me either way. The hunt really isn't about the weapon you are using.

If you look at typicals for the State of IOWA for example.... There's 10 typicals with a gun that are bigger than the biggest, #1, bowkill. Interestingly, looking at non-typicals, both categories are stacked full & the bow actually has the best scoring NT. For some reason, with typicals, gun hunting (in this and 1 other example I quickly looked up) has far more top end kills on the record books. I get you- hunting a specific buck, I agree it's affective, still hard but effective. *Oh, and days hunted.... Honestly, I put in most of Nov & some of Oct- maybe 25 of the 65 days. Gun- it's a 5 day season. A whole lot more "bang for the buck" when it comes to what those 5 days put out vs 65 (and late season bowhunting too!!!) days of bowhunting.

How many giants or monsters would you have been able to shoot over the years that you were not able to get a shot at, if you had a rifle, shotgun or muzzleloader in the stand????? I know the answer for me is a disgusting amount. There has been so many giants I've seen at 150 yards or even 60 yards I couldn't get a shot at. Or 25 yards that just didn't give me the right angle or shot. The list of examples is very very large for me, I'd say at least 1 a year to be honest, on average.
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I hear ya Sligh, but then again, we aren't allowed guns during that time of year for a reason :grin:
Big deer. I bet Milo Hanson and his team of attorneys will argue against a typical score all the way..........

Seriously moosehunter????? You too have read an internet rumour and restated it. Again, I didn't know this was archerytalk. Maybe Milo's "boss" a Mr. Butler, the one who had Milo under contract at the time and the one responsible for the lawsuit. The same guy who owns a large hunting related company as was the one responsible for all the bookings. You think Milo has time for that s$it??? It's wet as hell at Biggar and is harvest time, he's got larger worries, like getting some crop off.

Yes Skip, I do consider myself a commoner, everyday hunter. I have less time to spend at it than a large number of people on this site and there isn't a piece of dirt that I access that isn't on handshake permission and isn't hunted by other people as well. You stated you hunt 25 days and most of November included. Must be nice to be able to do that. Please remember that not everyone can and some people like myself are lucky to get 3 or 4 days in during the month of November. That in itself seperates you from I in terms of who is a common everyday sort of hunter.

I never stated it wasn't easier to dump a deer of any kind with a gun, just am not sure why in grabbing a bow this month on the times I manage to get out that I suddenly must have more "WORK, SACRIFICE, and KNOWLEDGE" than if if I take a smokepole out next month and lay one down from the same distance as I might with a bow??? I've killed one buck with a smokepole that was too far to kill with a bow. I'm sure making the shot was easier but to say it took more work sacrifice and knowledge to kill a deer with a bow as I have is laughable really.
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Seriously moosehunter????? You too have read an internet rumour and restated it. Again, I didn't know this was archerytalk. Maybe Milo's "boss" a Mr. Butler, the one who had Milo under contract at the time and the one responsible for the lawsuit. The same guy who owns a large hunting related company as was the one responsible for all the bookings. You think Milo has time for that s$it??? It's wet as hell at Biggar and is harvest time, he's got larger worries, like getting some crop off.

Yes Skip, I do consider myself a commoner, everyday hunter. I have less time to spend at it than a large number of people on this site and there isn't a piece of dirt that I access that isn't on handshake permission and isn't hunted by other people as well. You stated you hunt 25 days and most of November included. Must be nice to be able to do that. Please remember that not everyone can and some people like myself are lucky to get 3 or 4 days in during the month of November. That in itself seperates you from I in terms of who is a common everyday sort of hunter.

I never stated it wasn't easier to dump a deer of any kind with a gun, just am not sure why in grabbing a bow this month on the times I manage to get out that I suddenly must have more "WORK, SACRIFICE, and KNOWLEDGE" than if if I take a smokepole out next month and lay one down from the same distance as I might with a bow??? I've killed one buck with a smokepole that was too far to kill with a bow. I'm sure making the shot was easier but to say it took more work sacrifice and knowledge to kill a deer with a bow as I have is laughable really.

C'mon Kaare, really? You have a wall full of giants and sure your life has changed over the past few years with work obligations and family, but I'll guarantee that your teeth were cut with thousands of hours in the woods hunting and fishing. You are at the point now where you don't need to spend weeks hunting to kill a giant because you are reaping the fruits of your labor from earlier in life. Most good hunters have this trait in common. If you can look at the deer you have killed and the sheds you have picked up and the stories you have told, or hell even read your yearly journal in the PMA and consider yourself even close to a commoner, than you aren't paying very close attention to the way most people hunt and the deer most people kill :rolleyes:

I do agree that I don't think there is any more WORK, SACRIFICE, or KNOWLEDGE involved when hunting the way some of us do. BUT, you don't just sit by a tree and HOPE for the best. Like some of us on here, most of your moves are calculated by one or more factors. The commoner doesn't even consider most of these things. I know you are trying to down play your accomplishments, but unless Saskatchewan has 180's behind every tree (like Iowa :grin:) than you are far from a weekend warrior that just gets lucky. You aint foolin nobody Kaare :way:
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Seriously moosehunter????? You too have read an internet rumour and restated it. Again, I didn't know this was archerytalk. Maybe Milo's "boss" a Mr. Butler, the one who had Milo under contract at the time and the one responsible for the lawsuit. The same guy who owns a large hunting related company as was the one responsible for all the bookings. You think Milo has time for that s$it??? It's wet as hell at Biggar and is harvest time, he's got larger worries, like getting some crop off.

Yes Skip, I do consider myself a commoner, everyday hunter. I have less time to spend at it than a large number of people on this site and there isn't a piece of dirt that I access that isn't on handshake permission and isn't hunted by other people as well. You stated you hunt 25 days and most of November included. Must be nice to be able to do that. Please remember that not everyone can and some people like myself are lucky to get 3 or 4 days in during the month of November. That in itself seperates you from I in terms of who is a common everyday sort of hunter.

I never stated it wasn't easier to dump a deer of any kind with a gun, just am not sure why in grabbing a bow this month on the times I manage to get out that I suddenly must have more "WORK, SACRIFICE, and KNOWLEDGE" than if if I take a smokepole out next month and lay one down from the same distance as I might with a bow??? I've killed one buck with a smokepole that was too far to kill with a bow. I'm sure making the shot was easier but to say it took more work sacrifice and knowledge to kill a deer with a bow as I have is laughable really.

OK Kaare. I'm busted. I didn't read the whole artical and only scimmed over the thread here so I'm not sure what all the fuss about. I only made reference to Hanson's attorneys cause I think he's challenged other's in the past that have threatened to unseat his #1 status.

I only made reference to Hanson's attorneys cause I think he's challenged other's in the past that have threatened to unseat his #1 status.

I haven't actually sat down with him and conversed the issue but I know his "group" pulls his strings. Maybe I'm bias b/c he's a personal friend of my father in law, sits on a local wildlife federation with him and attendeded my wife's cousin's wedding this summer. Big Bad Wolf he is not....lucky farmer with a whitetail tag he was.
This is awesome how a post turns the corner to lala land and off topic. I didnt shoot this deer you didnt shoot but it is a true monster and thats a fact. My favorite is the Milo comment about getting an attorney, how dumb would that be (if true), cant be the current champ forever, thats why there is a hall of fame.

Come on B&C!!! Sore him typical, he may not even have a shot. :way:
When do y'all think the new WR typical be shot? I am really suprised the Hanson buck has lasted as long as it has.

(Found this old post searching for something else)
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