Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Recent content by grada

  1. grada


    What a beauty!!!
  2. grada

    Put our food plots in!

    Haha it sure is! My bf mark made it , it was so easy and took zero time we put it in our turnips plot
  3. grada

    Put our food plots in!

    We put our food plots in about a month ago and there growing like crazy! We planted brassica, peas, and soybeans in the one plot in the other plot we planted turnips for the late fall and winter :) - I have a few pics look at my profile :) I can't figure out to upload pics on here
  4. grada

    Turkey scouting went well!

    Me and my boyfriend are from southwestern Ontario, so turkey hunting season hasn't opened yet. This morning we went scouting at six. As soon as we entered the woods we heard gobbling! No lie we sat in the woods for two hours and not one minute went by that we didn't get to hear gobbling :) we...
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