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Iowa Whitetail Forums

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All I heard about on WHO during the week of the Farm Progress show was 300 bushel corn !!! Twelve inch rows - 50,000 plants per acre. I am not a farmer either but my family is getting very close to selling our farm after the passing of my mother (father died in '95) (multiple reasons not limited to LOTS of siblings with LOTS of different financial needs/circumstances). I am trying to not influence the overall decision other than to point out that we are getting the benefit of what looks to be a very high point historically (so far) in tillable land prices. Agriculture has made impressive productivity gains in the last decade and I wonder if or what 300 bushel corn could do to grain market prices.

Ultimately though, I have many positive attitudes about the future of ag related asset classes. Worldwide demand for food/ag based products has accelerated. I don't doubt there may be a window of retreat of land prices from current levels but I think long-term (10+ years) land will continue to be a very solid asset. In my case, I am the youngest (age 48) of eight kids and others feel it is a great time to sell.

My challenge will be how to re-invest into Ag related assets (equipment-fertilizer-chemical companies, combo farms, etc.) ?? I just hope to take my portion and create the same kind of legacy for my family as my depression-era folks did for me.

Thanks a ton Verne-Elizabeth. You two did amazing well !!:way::way:
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