Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Iowa Whitetail Forums

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Some guys mix TAT with ETA. Not that I'm sticking up for this guy but do you know how hard it is to guess when your tannery is going to have your custemors cape done or how many days in a year you'll need to be skinning vs mounting? I still have all my January projects. Hell I'm just starting on November 2014. This stuff takes time. I wouldn't go postal just yet. It is to bad that he is not communicating with you. Hopefully your not that guy calling weekly months before its suppose to be done. But if you are getting the feeling your antlers are getting sold get the right people involved.

On the flip side there is nothing worse then a custemor who waits more then two weeks to pick his projects up and pay.
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