Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. S

    Wow Just Wow....... Land Prices

    This isn’t really related to land prices but how do you guys navigate sales where one chunk is broken into individual tracts that have no obvious fence or boundary between them? I’ve seen multiple times where an agent will just draw lines on a plat through open fields and call that the new...
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    I once watched a pack of 4 chase down a longbeard. He couldn’t fly but was running from them. My guess as to why he couldn’t fly was one had nipped him already. The gob was in pretty bad shape. He actually took to the water and somehow floated there like a duck when the dogs wouldn’t go in after...
  3. S

    Late winter food

    So they’re eating the pumpkins themselves and not the plant? If so at what stage of pumpkin fruit growth do they start eating them? That’s wild to me. I’ve literally never had a deer eat one. Squash bugs and cucumber beetles tho are the devil
  4. S

    Brassicas not touched

    I had the same experience this year. 3 years ago in mid October I watched and heard deer eating the turnips and radishes. It literally sounded like a person biting into an apple. Time late season rolled around about everything was gone. This year they didn’t touch them til late season. They...
  5. S

    Late winter food

    That’s an interesting thought. I planted sorghum as a screen once and noticed it kept getting knocked over in random spots. I initially thought wind til I watched a herd of does come up and shoulder it over til they could reach the heads with their mouths. They certainly eat it for sure
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    Late winter food

    Do deer eat pumpkins? I always have a big patch of em in my garden and occasionally see deer tracks among the plants but I’ve never noticed any damage. I think corn is king this time of year but aside from fencing it I don’t know how I’d grow it at the farm. When I planted beans 2 years ago I...
  7. S

    Late winter food

    I’ve got almost 2.5 acres I plot every year. 2 years ago I had it all beans that I fenced off. I dropped the fence before season and it took the deer awhile to eat everything. This past year I sectioned off 4 squares and planted ww and clover in 2 and ww, radishes, and turnips in the other 2...
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    Stock tank deicer

    I’m sure many of you guys use a tank deicer. I need to get one for my 100 gallon tank but online reviews don’t seem to be too good on any of them. Online reviews have to be taken with a grain of salt I know but anyone have any suggestions? Only using one 4ish months out of the year it would seem...
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    Tactacam Cell Plan

    Yeah that’s bs imo. It’s more so they don’t have that info readily available on their price per plan page. I’ve been running all my cams on 2 shot for over 2 years. Never noticed it til it was posted here. To charge folks a fee for pictures that have to be retrieved from the sd card is insane...
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    Tactacam Cell Plan

    That’s news to me too. So if you have it set to take 2 pictures every trigger and you get 125 of those sent to your phone your starter plan is still used up for that month? This makes no sense. The cam still takes pictures even after it goes over they just don’t get sent to your phone. They are...
  11. S

    Dakota's first deer

    Geesh he’s definitely your offspring alright. Look like twins a couple decades apart. Solid work
  12. S

    One of these things doesnt belong.....

    I’ve seen 2 farms recently that sold for $3100 an acre in Shelby county and $2900 an acre in Macon county. That’s here in northeast mo. But a farm sold last week maybe 7-8 miles from the Shelby farm for $5000 per. The one that sold last week was 80 acres and the one that sold for $3100 was 98...
  13. S

    Planting Osage Orange

    What part do deer eat on a hedge apple tree?
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    After 2 back surgeries and a 3rd a certainty someday I bought a cheap used crossbow a few years ago and am now ready to upgrade to a better model. The only features I know I want are the ability to mechanically cock and decock it. I don’t care if it can shoot 100 yards or 900fps. Reliability and...
  15. S

    Sugar beets.

    Not sure I follow. You’ve never seen a deer pull one outta the ground but they dig through snow to get at them? The greens can’t still be good at that time. I’m guessing they’re not pawing and digging them out of frozen ground. They just walk along and eat what they can get their teeth in before...
  16. S

    Ugly, ugly doe

    How is she seeing anything with that right by her eye?! Looks nasty and painful. As for the bag over her head….I had the same problem a time or two in my younger days. All I will say is it’s not really an issue until after the business is completed. Walk of shame is real
  17. S

    For those here that planted

    Never heard of planting pumpkins for a food plot but I plant them every year in my home garden. This year kind of…meh. Some plants are good and some bad. Fungus has been a problem with the rain and cool temps plus I’ve got a major pigweed problem but in the last 2 weeks I’ve kind of ignored it...
  18. S

    Tell me why we should shoot more does

    This very thing has confounded me for a long time. I see practically every hunting show go out and shoot does claiming “management” yet not one has said how they came to the conclusion that does needed managed. To me, it’s nothing more than an excuse for guys that like shooting deer to go out...
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    Land Clearing

    Believe it or not but in the timber, especially just inside the edges, I find a fair number of sheds in brush piles and briars almost always at the base of trees. I figure a tree rat found it before I did and started to try and carry it to a den before abandoning the idea and dropping it...
  20. S

    Is it possible

    End of October could be a pretty rough go for a newborn fawn
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