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  1. hillrunner

    Thoughts on the cheap tree pullers?

    I'd have that exposed hydraulic destroyed on day one. You want something you can dig around and loosen up roots with when a stubborn tree won't come up. Get one that's designed for that. I really like my tree gator.
  2. hillrunner

    New Podcast: BAD IA BILLS, EHD, CWD, etc

    The county I live in was pummeled by ehd this year. I found 4 more a couple weeks ago so I went online to report. I decided to check what our county total was and it turns out I'm the only one in the whole county who reported any all year!
  3. hillrunner

    The Future of Iowa Deer Hunting and a One Buck Limit

    I don't disagree at all, increasing numbers will help. We are doing our part by laying off does completely. EHD has been devastating. I still don't think that simply getting the numbers back will bring things back to what once was. Way too many "advancements" have been made in that time. 20...
  4. hillrunner

    The Future of Iowa Deer Hunting and a One Buck Limit

    I'm not convinced that a higher population will magically bring us back to the good old days everyone remembers. There are plenty of states with high populations. I think it's more complicated than that. The hunter has become far more efficient at targeting bigger bucks and there are multiple...
  5. hillrunner

    Brassicas not touched

    Brassicas have never been a late season draw for me. I always hear about deer hammering the bulbs in cold weather but I've not experienced it. They love the tops in early season though. The bulbs always seem too rotten to be palatable by the time late season rolls around. .
  6. hillrunner

    Fencing Deer Movement

    if high fencing properties starts becoming the norm in the midwest, I'm out. I won't be part of that clown show. Alaska, here I come, lol. This isn't directed at the op, I'm talking guys putting up fences to prevent deer from leaving. .
  7. hillrunner

    Who is shed hunting?!

    I haven't seen a single shed buck yet. Pretty easy weather this year, low stress.
  8. hillrunner

    Senate subcommittee meeting - SF 83, TUES 1:30- Kill all the deer - senate version. Attend, zoom, email…

    We could try an in season feeding ban as a start. It's fairly non controversial, good way to learn the process. I have a hard time seeing who would be strongly opposed
  9. hillrunner

    Cedar MULCH MANIA!!!!

    Thanks for the update, the maintenance on mulching machines can be brutal! I'd never buy a used one, they get beat.
  10. hillrunner

    Cedar MULCH MANIA!!!!

    Skip, any update on this? Are you still running the mulcher? Did you have success getting anything to grow through the mulch?
  11. hillrunner

    Wow Just Wow....... Land Prices

    If the piece is right and you pay the price, I'd buy it. Trying to wait and time the market is useless. You'll just end up with nothing in the end.
  12. hillrunner

    The power of browse

    I have a lot of boxelder, I wish i didn't. Boxelder bugs in the fall are miserable.
  13. hillrunner

    2025-26 deer season change wish list

    I get your point, it wouldn't be the end of the world to allow gun tags to be filled with a bow. On the other hand, us bowhunters are extremely blessed with a generous season in Iowa. Maybe just let sleeping dogs lie;).
  14. hillrunner

    2025-26 deer season change wish list

    I don't know about that. It's been years since I did any group hunting but when I did, we were buck only. We also wouldn't have dreamed of giving our tags up to anyone else. Shooting and tagging our own deer wasn't an issue at all. Guys with full tags would hunt coyotes or pheasants while...
  15. hillrunner

    2025-26 deer season change wish list

    I look at that as us bowhunters already get all the prime times to hunt. I think it's fair that the gun hunters don't have to share their season with us too.
  16. hillrunner

    2025-26 deer season change wish list

    I bet a lot of landowners are like me and can pretty much hunt when they want. Even the ones who can't have a much greater chance of hitting a good front when they have all the seasons available to hunt. Most of us use that landowner tag for a 2nd bow tag which eliminates the gun seasons. Now...
  17. hillrunner

    2025-26 deer season change wish list

    On your#4. I don't have an issue with it but how much impact will that have? I'm sure some abuse it to its max but none of the landowners I personally know are killing 3 bucks. I have never killed 3 and only killed 2 one time. Maybe I'm not normal though:p. Would the land owners 2nd tag still...
  18. hillrunner

    Make Minnesota Iowa again?

    I'm guessing you wouldn't want to lose those 180,000 voters?
  19. hillrunner

    2025-26 deer season change wish list

    Paragraphs man.
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