Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. Hardwood11

    Property consultant

    I’d like to give you advice or a name … but I’ve never hired a consultant. I’m 100% sure I don’t know everything and I’m probably doing something wrong! I do however, enjoy learning even at my age. You could check with Skip and see what he says ?
  2. Hardwood11

    Mexico Sailfish

    I didn’t get mine in a pic, they let you bring one in boat for pics, the others were immediately released . We do have video—but kind of long to post— interesting day, very fun!
  3. Hardwood11

    Mexico Sailfish

    Here we go … dang cell service in Mexico ! LOL
  4. Hardwood11

    Mexico Sailfish

    Isla Mujeres Mexico Our group caught 3 nice Sailfish and 5 Bonito near Isla. It took an hour to get one of the sailfish in, they really fight ! We all had a blast !
  5. Hardwood11

    EQUIP Funds Frozen

    It would be extremely unlikely they will cut existing CRP contracts. You would have massive lawsuits and chaos. There might be limits on future CRP enrollments? I’d wager CRP will be part of the new farm bill .
  6. Hardwood11

    Farm Contract Recommendations

    I guess it depends on if you have 20 acres with 2 tillable—or a big farm/farms with a lot of crop land or CRP ? If the IRS wants you to report the income you should maximize the deductions! I treat it as my second business.
  7. Hardwood11

    Osage orange trees

    I don’t know ? They like soggy ground. Just not sure .
  8. Hardwood11

    Farm Contract Recommendations

    You might be accurate on the schedules. I do not submit on F.
  9. Hardwood11

    Farm Contract Recommendations

    My farm income goes under Schedule E according to my accountant .
  10. Hardwood11

    Farm Contract Recommendations

    I just confirmed the forms and write offs with my accountant , called my buddy who has 800 acres and cash rents … same exact write offs. All the same write offs discussed. Taxes, insurance , interest, mileage for maintenance, repairs, depreciation on buildings …..mowing of CRP etc… Please...
  11. Hardwood11

    Farm Contract Recommendations

    It’s accurate, my father in law was an accountant… when he retired another accountant took over . He has 50 years experience. He’s 80 years old and still working . The scheduled forms might be different, but I guarantee you can write off items if you receive cash rent. They know what they are...
  12. Hardwood11

    Farm Contract Recommendations

    Here’s what we write off for the past 20+ years with cash rent contracts— Property taxes, Interest on the loan, insurance, maintenance, travel time, any fence, tile, mowing etc.. Buildings can be depreciated.
  13. Hardwood11

    Farm Contract Recommendations

    You are referring to equipment write offs ?
  14. Hardwood11

    The Future of Iowa Deer Hunting and a One Buck Limit

    I agree on that, but one area of nice river bottom should not justify a 3 buck limit ! Most of the county is tillable . It’s a hard call, and difficult to get hunters on the same page.
  15. Hardwood11

    Farm Contract Recommendations

    Mine are fairly simple, but I do add the rate/dates/amount due & acres left for food plot … I keep recreational use, and I put in that the farmers access is for agriculture purposes only . I never buy back crop, I just factor in 2 acres for standing crop, on say 80 or 100 acres of crop total...
  16. Hardwood11

    The Future of Iowa Deer Hunting and a One Buck Limit

    I’ve advocated for this in my home state (Minnesota), but it seems to fall on deaf ears . Iowa would be even better situation. Buck tags should be allocated by county . In Iowa the crop land counties could have a one buck limit. In counties like Decatur, Monroe you could have a 2 buck limit ...
  17. Hardwood11

    Senate subcommittee meeting - SF 83, TUES 1:30- Kill all the deer - senate version. Attend, zoom, email…

    The DNR is not elected . That’s one of my main concerns. Several legislators do not hunt, and have no idea what to vote on . In Minnesota for instance two Minneapolis Hmong legislators introduced a crossbow bill, so that their people would have an easier time “shooting game” ? It passed...
  18. Hardwood11

    Senate subcommittee meeting - SF 83, TUES 1:30- Kill all the deer - senate version. Attend, zoom, email…

    I’d prefer it be in the hands of the people/hunters! The ability to vote in major issues/limits/seasons would really help ! The Iowa DNR does a pretty good job, but lots of states have DNR employees that are very liberal and push issues that are not good for the sportsman (Minnesota) as an...
  19. Hardwood11

    Who is shed hunting?!

    I left 2 acres of corn in Minnesota and the deer are hitting it … found a shed close by.
  20. Hardwood11

    Osage orange trees

    Is Black Spruce an option in that area ?
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