Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. Q

    Herd Management

    Interesting conversation. Couple thoughts: 1) deer management starts with the dirt. Fawn recruitment, buck age class structure, doe harvest, etc. Everything should be determined by your dirt. 2) it is a fact that maximum antler growth occurs when population numbers are kept at 60% carrying...
  2. Q

    Apple/Pear Trees

    Paul- how have your trees from david osborn faired through the drought? We had a neighbor water ours throughout summer and they have done well. I rarely if ever water trees (not enough time in the day and i don't think I have ever lost a tree to drought). Thanks in advance and glad to see we...
  3. Q

    Best lens for nikon d90?

    Hey guys- Broke the lens that came on my d90 this week. Have a big lens. Looking to upgrade to a good lens for harvest photos and scenery stuff. Any ideas or thoughts much appreciated. I'm new to photography. -Stephen
  4. Q

    Too Early to Frost Seed Clover?

    I frost seeded clover in southern Iowa last week. When do most of you guys frost seed? Id of preferred to wait a bit but given limited time I went ahead and got it done. I dont see any major issues with going ahead and getting it done.
  5. Q

    Fruit Tree Experiences

    No idea on how to post photos. And not likely to figure it out. But I'd be glad to email ya a couple. Similar to your fence letemgrow but i typically use rebar instead of the t posts. I plant several hundred fruit trees a year for deer orchards every spring in various states and i try to...
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    Fruit Tree Experiences

    Loneranger- I plant many of Edward Forts trees in the southeast. There pear varieties are excellent. Trophy and Giovan are great hunting trees. Unfortunately as far as I know this trees are only available from edward fort on callery root stock. Callery will winter kill in areas where it...
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    Fruit Tree Experiences

    Loneranger- what apple and pear varieties have you had success with?
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    Fruit Tree Experiences

    Loesshills- I suggest a 16-18 feet of 5 ft wire for each tree. Sounds excessive, but should ensure that trees are adequately protected.
  9. Q

    Fruit Tree Experiences

    Hey guys- Looking for some information on fruit tree plantings in Southern Iowa. I recently began implementing some orchards on one of the properties I manage in Davis county. This year I have gone with Sundance and Liberty apples on m111 rootstock. Hoping that since these varieties are...
  10. Q

    Sitka Camo

    I've gone back and forth on it. It is expensive, but it does come in warm light weight packages. I've gone to all sitka gear for western hunts (spot and stalk in chilly temps/ anything in the mountains with lots of walking involved), but for treestand hunting I haven't made the leap. I've...
  11. Q

    Camera Surveys and deer density in Davis County?

    Hey guys- Any idea on deer density in davis county? I've seen the deer density map provided by QDMA. Nice, but from my experience not very accurate. I'll be doing a camera survey in Davis this fall and just want to get an idea of what to expect. Any thoughts much appreciated. -Stephen
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