Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. F


    am i reading this right if a landowner has 3500 acres he could get 58 buck and turkey tags
  2. F

    Bought my '09 licenses today

    does any one know is it going to be the 34% increase or not
  3. F

    Shoulder mount forms??

    i have 2 mounts and i chose to pick mounts that best recreated how the deer was postured when i took the shot
  4. F

    funny things from the stand

    first off a little history where i hunt there is a little old man who sometimes walks the hills he never bothers anyone or causes problems so no one says any thing. today i got to the stand a little early because i wanted to set up my decoys. i use 3 old 3d targets, one is cut in half to be a...
  5. F

    Boot Dryer

    yes and i love it works great for boots waders gloves ect. bought it at wal mart
  6. F

    Those dirty ....

    do i look fat in this light
  7. F


    well got on stand this morning at 530 cause i had a feeling it was going to be a good morning at 535 2 spot lights light up the whole valley for approx 10 min at 6 same thing then again at 625 and 7 guess what no deer at all left at 1030 stopped and talked to the landowner and he informs me...
  8. F

    need help please

    ive hunted the same 20 acre peice of timber for 12 yrs and it has always produced nice deer, now here is my problem i hung my stands in june and then suffered a back injury and just got cleared to hunt. in years passed deer just passed through between the bedding area and fields. ive been out 3...
  9. F

    Help a Fellow Whitetail Nut Out.

    the wife wont give me any bloody attractant but you got her vote
  10. F

    Deer Carts?

    i use one all the time but mine is a home made redneck engineered cost about 10 bucks
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    “Dream Bow Hunt”

    call me crazy florida gators
  12. F

    Help a Fellow Whitetail Nut Out.

    pleasure to help a brother out also forwarding this to every one i know
  13. F

    And i thought i was desperate

    i just sent this to the wife also the link to archerytalk will let you guys know what happens after work
  14. F

    Harvet photo opportunity stolen

    the big ones always get it in the end
  15. F

    City deer and MY story!

    Re: City deer and more. i know I'm new here and mean no disrespect but there isn't a real woods hunter on this site! no matter how hard we try we will never be. we all drive a pickup to hunt for a few hrs on a full stomach, and we return to a warm house, we decide how and when to hunt by how we...
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    WHY is it like this???

    some things are better left unanswered, a very wise man once said "s**t happens sometimes" i believe his name was forest gump
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    nikon 440 have 1 and love it
  18. F

    Need Some Advice On a Couple of Things

    dor do you take your coon piss straight from the tape or a bottle
  19. F


    thats one big space peanut lol
  20. F

    can 40 lbs kill a deer

    right after i started bow hunting i had surgery on my right bicep my first bow kill 2 months later was with a pse patriot pro set at 40 lbs i was shooting gamegetter 2s with 125 grain thunder heads, shot was taken at 18 yrds with complete pass throu perfect shot through the boilermaker traved...
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