Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company



PMA Member
Well it was time again for me to take a break from chasing turkeys with a bow and spend the weekend hunting with my buddy Joe (born2hunt). The weekend started off kinda tough we set up saturday morning on a farm we had just got access to and had never set foot on. There were quite a few birds gobbling on the roost, the only problem was there was a small river separating us from them. We stuck it out for awhile not knowing what side they would fly down to but when they went the wrong way we decided it was time for some breakfast. After eating and an unexpected nap we dicided to go check out another place we had never hunted but knew it would be good. We got there and found a spot that looked good and before we could even get set up heard a gobble that couldnt have been more than 75yds out but on the other side of a real tall crown in the pasture. I made a few calls and in a matter of a minute there were three birds gobblin and strutting just over the crest of the hill and we could only see bits and pieces of there heads and fans, and they never crested the hill for a good shot. Sunday morning found us right back in the same spot only with a blind and now set up right in the middle of the pasture on the top of the crown where the decoys could be seen forever. At 5:30 the first bird sounded off, then what sounde like atleast 20 gobblers were gobblin there heads off only they sounded to be 600yds or more in front of us on the neighboring property. Then the local birds finally joined in and we had several birds within 2-300 yds sounding off. We sat and called for awhile and nothing seamed to want to come out of the bootom up into the windy pasture where we were set up. While we were trying to decide if we should move down to the bottom or ride it out where we were we heard a hen yelp behind us. Turned out there were 10 hens and 2 strutters about 300yds behind us in the pasture doing there thing, I hit the box call and shortly after 3 of the hens and 1 of the gobblers were on there way. Ive never seen a turkey cover that much ground in that little time and never break strut once, he was practically tripping over himself on his way in. Joe decided to slow him down at about 28yds, once he pulled the trigger the bird never even flopped.

Heres a pic of the set up

And heres the outcome
1 1/4"spurs

was a good time thanks to my good buddy and turkey guide rutnstrut. still can't believe that bird came that far and never broke strut. thanks joe
I think we could safely take 2oz. off the weight though with all the shot I found in that thing
Sorry Joe couldnt resist
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