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99,000 Deer Harvested


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Nearly 99,000 Deer Harvested in Illinois Firearm Season

SPRINGFIELD, Ill. (AP) — Illinois officials say hunters took more than 98,000 deer during this fall's firearm hunting season.

The Illinois Department of Natural Resources reported Wednesday that the preliminary total is 98,700. That's down slightly from the 99,419 deer harvested during the 2009 season.

DNR Forest Wildlife Program Manager Paul Shelton says the remarkably similar numbers show that efforts to control deer herds while maintaining recreational opportunities are working.

Preliminary reports show Pike County again was tops among counties with 3,130 deer. Other top counties were Fulton, Adams, Jo Daviess and Randolph, with more than 2,000 each.

Deer hunters have other forthcoming opportunities to take the field. Archery deer season continues through Jan. 16, 2011.

Muzzleloader-only deer season in Friday through Sunday and other special seasons are late this month and next month.
I have been keeping Track of our season and we have killed 46,237 1st season. I wonder how 2nd season will pan out.
The Iowa harvest is way down compared to past years.
With the weather moving in this weekend I'm really hoping the DNR doesn't jump the couch and extend gun seasons for anybody with a leftover tag.
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