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Any truth to this......????


PMA Member
An older guy that has been bow hunting since the early 70's once told me that the wetter the spring we have the bigger the bucks racks will be come fall. He said the wetter the weather in the spring meant more vegatation to grow which equals more foliage for the bucks to eat which equals more mineral intake equaling larger racks. This sounds logical, just wondering if any one has ever heard or read this before. I know by seeing allot of the trail cam pictures guys are posting it may have some truth to it..... Thanks
Not sure if it has a big effect around the midwest, but I know it does in the western states where it's typically drier.
I believe it does. Not so critical in the spring when theres plenty of moisture and lush green growth, but when it June and July remain cool and wet the vegetation remains higher in protein and tastier to the deer so they eat more and grow larger racks. JMO
There is alot of truth to it. However, to much rain can also be detrimental to antler development, causing beams to become brittle and being easily broken. A good indicator of how the bucks antlers will be is to watch the local gardens. gardens that are lush, green and need little water will indicate great antler growing conditions. Winters also have alot to do with antler development. The harsher the winter the hungrier the deer are come snow melt, the faster they hit the feed bag. A mild winter will have deer laying around chewing thier cud. Hungry deer hit them first greens hard and stay on them.
I agree and have heard evidence as well.

I also think that if there's a drought and if drinking water is hard to find (which happens every few years- small creeks especially) it stresses deer, etc, etc. it will impact racks.
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