Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Anyone from the Algona Area???

Union Slough National Wildlife Refuge. You can't hunt in the refuge but you can hunt private and public land around the refuge. Some nice bucks there. Some good area along the Des Moines river too, both north and south of town. I've hunted some of it and trapped about all of it.
Algona used to have an active outdoor archery club about 5-6 miles South of town on the Des Moines River (east side). E-mail me and I will give you the name of someone around Lone Rock who can tell you if the club is still active.

[email protected]

I was raised in Ringsted - north west of Algona. I have a sister that still lives there. There are a lot of deer in that area - should be some good hunting.
Good Point bowdoc. Just east of Ringstead a few miles and you are on the east fork of the des moines river bottoms. Good whitetail country and not hard to get permission. I trapped all over that area during the 1980's. Just west of Ringstead and you are in the ingham and high lake area, lot's of good deer country there too.
I concur. My wife is originally from Ringsted and I've hunted extensively around there with my brother-in-law, especially east of town. Another area (public) is Swan Lake (north of Ingham and High). You may also want to try the west fork of the Des Moines in the Graettinger area. Shot a big 9-pointer (one broken brow tine) near there in 1998.

Stop by any of the local elevators (Bancroft, Lone Rock, etc.) and get acquainted with the guys there. Many of them hunt or know the guys that do.
kbquibby - what was your wife's maiden name? I may have known her - or some of my brothers or sisters probably did. She may know some of the Pedersen's - Ringsted's one of those towns where everyone knows everyone else.

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