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BETTER QUESTIONS to ask when looking for a hunt…

  • Deleted by Central Iowa


New Member
Using some basic questions that I often hear hunters ask, it occurred to me that this may be a good thread to start because so many questions that I hear are very general and open to non specific answers.

QUESTION: What is your success rate for Buffalo?
BETTER QUESTION: What is your success rate for a hard boss trophy Buffalo on your 1x1 8 full hunting days Buffalo package over the last 2 hunting seasons?

QUESTION: When is the best time of the year to come hunting?
BETTER QUESTION: When is the best time to come hunting for Crocodile, … (list any species that would be a priority to you)

QUESTION: How is your Kudu population?
BETTER QUESTION: How is your trophy Kudu bull population?

QUESTION: Can you provide me with your clients' reference list?
BETTER QUESTION: Can you provide me with your 2014 and 2015 clients' reference list and point out the hunters who hunted Leopard with you.
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Please share your QUESTIONS / BETTER QUESTIONS here!
  • Deleted by Central Iowa
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