Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Can You Find My Match?


Life Member


Found spring of 2009, 4 miles north of the Missouri/Iowa border.

Pay no attention to the blake name tag 2006 in the photo, it was just a photo prop.

I am looking for the missing left side. This missing antler will likely measure over 100 inches. It will have kicker coming of the back of the G-2 that looks like a whale's tail on an elk antler.

How do I know? I got an up close and personal look at this deer during bow season (10 yards). No shot but my knees were shaking. :eek:

If anyone knows anything about this missing antler please PM me. I am not trying to buy this missing antler, I would just like a photo of the two sides together. :)
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