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Did I find your deer's blood trail this AM?


New Member
I was walking out of my hunt area this morning and came across a blood trail. It was close to the boundary so I didn't think much of finding it. The blood was darker red and I followed it 50 yards expecting to find a gut pile, but kicked up the deer. Unfortunately all I saw was the tail. The blood increased after I kicked it up, but decided to sneak out and not screw up somebody's day anymore than I already did.

Thou it would be nice if they called for permission before tracking it on the land I control.

I assume the deer was shot on Vern Flynn's land on the raccoon river west of Des Moines. I saw a pickup parked in Vern's beanfield.
Do you know the Flynn's? I graduated with kyle and just spoke with him a few days ago about hunting that ground. It appeared that somebody is already hunting it so it must be you? Small world,

BMIN, It would be a good idea for people to check for permission to track on land that you control but I am pretty sure that as long as they don't carry there weapon into that area that they do not need permission to track a wounded animal. Correct my if I am wrong anyone! It is the right thing to do to check and let someone who owns the land that you want to track an animal that may have crossed over but I don't think they need permission.
I don't hunt the the Flinns land. I spoke with Mrs. Flinn today and she wasn't sure if anybody had permission to deer hunt in there. She thought all their hunters were working this week. I hunt next to the Flinns.

Trper, the law kinda says that, but no game warden will tell you the hunter has that right. Look at the story behind the big buck SE of Des Moines, the hunter had to buy his rack back from people who were trading it for snowmobiles, and other stuff.
I shot a buck on Saturday on the Racoon River west of Des Moines. It was in very close proximity to Booneville. It crossed the river going north to south. I picked up the bllod trail on the south side of the river on property I believe is owned by Bill Knapp. I know Bill so I went along with my search. Tracked him up a hill to about 100 yards south of the river and then lost all sign.
I feel as though it was a solid shot and the deer is down somewhere. I have spent 8-9 hours in my search. And will continue.
Is this anywhere close to where you found a blood trail? I would be elated to have a lead.
...in my limited experience few, if any, landowners will keep you off their land to track a wounded deer...especially if you invite them along to help (that way they know you are not just running deer off their place)...however...Iowa Law allows the "unarmed" retrieval of downed game from private land without consent of the landowner..."unarmed" - you cannot take anything that could be used as a means to finish off the animal (i.e. bow, gun or knife)...you must take a direct line in and out or be following a significant blood trail (indicative of a soon-to-be fatal shot)...our Conservation Officer tells each of our Hunter Education Classes that if anyone (including the landowner) tells you that you cannot retrieve your game to call him...anyone prohibiting the lawful retrieval of downed game is interfering with a lawful hunt and are themselves breaking the law...
Some will keep you out no matter what they have to do. As far as I can tell, it depends on whether they are anti-trespassing or anti-hunting. I had an unfortunate run-in the other night and it was made clear that asking for help from the sherrif or DNR would invite both a legal battle and a neighborhood war.

Since it was not my neighborhood, I told them I would leave and not hunt there anymore. It's probably the worst hunting experience I've ever had, and I'm still sick about losing the deer.
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