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Did You know??


Well-Known Member
Did you know . . .

- because Iowawhitetail.com is powered by two seperate software's, you have two sign-on's. One for the home page and the conference page.

- once signed into the home page you can add calendar updates

- and links

- cast your vote on our polling tool

- once you initially sign from a designated PC you will be signed in automatically from that same PC going forward (unless of coarse you sign out)

If you haven't already registered on the main page please do so because . . .

- registration is free

- take advantage of additional features of the sight

- soon you will need to be signed in the main page to upload pictures

- it's easy - just go to the bottom left hand side of the main page Home and if you see that "You are an anonymous user" click Here and register

Please reply on this post if you have any questions.


Are the user name and password the same on both? If I were not logged in, would this keep me from uploading a picture? Thanks for the information.
THINKIN RUT, good question. Actually they are two separate signons but I would suggest setting them to be the same password. This is an option while registering on the main page.

Currently the upload tool does not require a login but soon we will make a change in the software and require a login to upload pictures. We are doing this for two reasons;

- First we want to secure what information is being uploaded - just use your imagination as to what is sometimes uploaded by non-memebers.

- Second the new process will automatically size the pictures - this will no doubt save all of us time and hassle.

Thanks again for the question,

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