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Dusting bowls??

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Anyone have any luck setting up over dusting a bowl. Have one that I know hens use the hell out of. Know there is a bearded hen in the area also.

Just wandering if anyone has done it with success? I know toms have to dust also. Do they do it the same places as the hens? Guess I should put a camera over it.

I am setting up tomorrow on a high knob in a clover field that has several gopher mounds the birds are dusting in and strutting around, so I will let you know how it goes, this weekend. I see the hens dusting all the time, but have never seen a gobbler stop showing off long enough to do it yet, this time of year. The most consistant thing I am seeing the gobblers do now is strut around a small stretch of one of my farm roads that has some pea gravel on it.
Cooter, I hunted a farm 3 years ago that had a dusting bowl on the edge of one of the fields. Every time I tried to run and gun this farm I would bump birds off of it. Finally one day I set up there with a buddy at about 10:30 in the morning and we started seeing a few hens about an hour after. I gave a few yelps and we got a gobble. We ended up killing the tom about 11:30. Coincidence or not I have no idea, but IMO I would say that if you think it's a spot that they frequent daily, give it a try!

Does it have to be a dry sunny day? I have no idea... Not much help I know :D Turkeys seem to be very patternable and I think that if you have seen birds near there on a daily basis.... give em hell :way:
Does it have to be a dry sunny day?

This is usually better than mud. Turkeys dust when its dry, about once a day from my experience. If you have freshly tilled fields it might be a little harder to find the dusting areas, and there could be multiple areas in freshly turned over fields. But if you have seen them there on multiple occasions, just camp out and wait for them. Its only a matter of time before they show. Good luck!
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