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Food Plot setups


PMA Member
Just starting to get some ideas and wanting to see what everyone else has for there setups. Post some pics or whatever. Thought it would be interesting to see what others have. Thanks
well, I just got mine put in today...four wheeler and disc section...worked out quite nicely...where are you planning on putting one?
Just starting to get some ideas and wanting to see what everyone else has for there setups. Post some pics or whatever. Thought it would be interesting to see what others have. Thanks

I plant mine in a series of strips or blocks that allow me to rotate crops, provide year around food sources and keep deer moving thru the food sources.

Couple examples from different times of the year








I use seperate strips of clover, alfalfa, brassicas, fall cereal grains, soybeans, milo etc etc. with clover/brassicas/winter rye being my three favorite crops to strip plant. Not mixed together but each crop type planted at the proper time of year and then those strips get rotated the following spring...:way:
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