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Gov. Cost Share Programs


New Member
I just bought a piece of ground and am looking into all the cost share projects there are out there.

My ground is in Harrison County Iowa and I've looked at ponds, field windbreaks, living snow fences, quail buffers, riparian buffers, TSI-timber stand improvements etc.

What do you guys think of these programs and which ones are the best?

Thanks, Cory
I dont think there really is a "best" program, just whatever happens to fit your situation or location and accomplishes what you want. I have a riparian, a swithcgrass stream buffer, a field windbreak, and a tall grass native area (going in this spring), all on 60 acres. If you can find something you qualify for its cheap habitat that helps pay the bills.
We own ground in Harrison county as well. We have a TON of the riparian buffer going right now and we are putting in a TON more of that quail buffer. There is also quite a few catch ponds of our land. I can't say I have heard of the other programs but I'll check into them! What town is your land by? We own land near Pisgah and Woodbine. Jordan
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