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How's muzzleloader's doing.


New Member
Just wondering if anybody is still out there.I'm going to try to keep after them until the last day but man the drive is really going fast.I have not took a deer this year yet and frustrated would be an understatment!
Anyway good luck to anyone still out there.
Hang in there Buckhunter, I'm still at it too, has been very slow late season, but you never know when the moment will come.
Just doe's and fawns. The other day I considered taking the recurve incase a doe got nice and close. Well would'nt ya know it three so close I could have killed them with a big rock. I held off with the Mzldr.
Saw some a couple again yesterday, no bucks.
I think I'll shoot a doe Tues/Wed. for canning jerky meat and some more burger. Had the last of my bear tonight. Good stuff! more of it to come in late August! pictures at 11
Me and dad both finished last weekend, i got a decent 10 pointer and he shot a real big 8 pointer.My uncle and his brother in law are still hunting but they dont seem to be having much luck.Said they seen over 200 deer Saturday but they couldnt get close to anything big enough to shoot, doe or buck.My brother still got 2 bow tags to fill also and his wife has one left, Im thinking theres gonna be lottsa leftover tags around here in a week
Hunted all day Saturday and Sunday. Saturday I saw five does. Sunday I joined up with some other folks the middle of the day to do a few drives. We saw lots of doe and one small buck.

Will try and get out a couple times this week but I'm quickly running out of time?
Im in the same boat as you buckhunter! Haven't taked a deer yet this year, and only seen 3 deer this whole muzzle loader season.
So im terning in. I guess the deer have won again.... but there is alway's nexted year!

jason V
I hear ya Buckhunter, I've been out every night of late muzzleloader and at least half the mornings, has been very slow, I'll wait till Thursday for a good one but the does better look out on Fiday!
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