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Just out of curiosity?


PMA Member
First off I don't want this to be beating a dead horse after all the talk about tagging and transporting of deer after the kill, but. I got home last night about 12:30 this morning from late night baseball practice and turned on the hunting channel to find spring turkey hunting was on. I didn't catch where or who was hunting but after they killed there tom they just picked it up and carried it back to the truck and dumped it in without tagging the bird. Now normally there is a break in filming where they could put the tag on but this particular show they filmed the entire walk (it was only about 150 yards) back to the truck and the bird was never tagged. I have hunted birds in KS,NE,MO,and IA and know that each of these states require that the bird be tagged immediately after the kill or before moving the bird. Does this mean moving from where he died or leaving the field in the vehicle. What scares me is this is not the only show where I have seen them do this with turkeys. I've read all the views of the New NAW article on the actions taken with the albia buck and can understand and respect where everyone is coming from but when you can turn on the TV and there it is being done for a nation wide audience it just shows why we differ in our interpretation of some laws. I don't want this to get into a debate but just wanted to add as a point of interest from another avid hunter.

Yep...I saw the same show. Guess I didn't think much of it. I always have my tag in my wallet and many times don't want to sit on that wallet during a long morning setup, so I leave my wallet in the truck. I've tagged many birds as soon as I get back to my truck. Legal?? Probably not, but at the same time I don't really think most CO's would gig you for it if you didn't drive off before tagging the bird.
Good Point. I always have my tag but don't usually remember to carry the pen in order to write date on the tag. So I guess it probably doesn't make it completely lega either til you get back to the truck and date it.

I too have seen this on many occasions, the only thing I can think of is they are down south(what states do not require tagging???) or on a game farm/preserve of some sort. I can't believe they are intetionally not tagging the birds if that is required by law, but what do I know??
Tag? Tag? License? Yes officer I bought one of them 15 years ago!! Heck of a deal. Got me a turkey every year since I bought that darn tag!!! You will get fined if you move the bird before tagging it. Not carrying a license also is grounds for a ticket even if you are just helping. And the Conservation Officers will ticket you if they catch you. I left it in the truck is a good excuse to pay the fine!!! Until Iowa goes to checking in or registering the game we harvest it is an HONOR system so no excuses are accepted for not doing it by the book.

I have been told by CO's that in order to help a person turkey or deer hunt (guide so to speak) all you have to have is a valid Iowa Hunting Liscence and habitat stamp. You do not need to have a turkey tag. Obviously you cant carry a gun or take the shot for them but you can call or take them in and set them up. Maybe I'm wrong but that is what I have been told. Great points on the tagging them immediately after the kill though.
I believe to assist on a turkey hunt you must have a license for a least one of the four seasons spring seasons. And to assist for deer season you have to have a tag for that current season.

That is interesting and I thank you for letting me know. The only question I still have then is can the tag I have already been filled. I will hunt 1st season and have a buddy coming to hunt 3rd season if he can draw. If my tag is already filled can I still hunt with him.
Ditto to what Limb Chicken said......it is perfectly legal.

I had tags last year for 2nd and 4th and ended up going out all 4 seasons (minus a gun for 1st and 3rd). I filled my tags and during 1st and 3rd I just went along to help call for family and friends. I love the opportunity to call for someone.....and I love seeing people get their bird. Last year during 3rd season I called in my brother in law's first turkey....and it is one of my fondest turkey hunting memories yet!
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