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Meat Locker lost my Antlers

Sounds like a learning experience for all who have read/responded to this forum to make sure its clear what the locker intends to do with the rack since people have had different experiences. I've only taken bucks to two different lockers, both needed to know what I wanted done with the antlers.
Agreed and to add on, back in college I shot an old 130 class 10pt on a great hunt with my dad. Too poor for a shoulder mount and limited time/space living on campus, I left the whole deer there and filled out some "transfer" paperwork for their taxidermist to do a euro. I had used the taxi for a duck before and didn't think twice about it. Six months later or so I call the taxi and he is confused, never received it. Turns out the processor skull capped it but at least it was still there in the cooler...lesson learned. I don't take any deer to a processor anymore for a handful of reasons and bad experiences.
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