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New Clover Plot


New Member
I planted my first real food plot this past season, and it was a HUGE success in my opinion... I had turnips, winter peas, winter wheat, and red clover. The deer quickly ate every turnip in the field... never had time to grow a bulb, and mowed down the wheat and peas all season. I saw deer every time i hunted... rain, shine, even full moons.


You can see in this pic, even though i have corn out, the deer didnt come to it... he stayed out in the plot, didnt even care the corn was there!


Well, i had access to a small disk this past year that i wont have access to this year... so this year my plot will have to be done without tilling the ground in any way, so i was thinking clover.

What are my options .. i want to do a white clover if possible...
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