Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

No Respect for landowner or the DEER!


You read my mind.....the camtrakker is at the top of my Christmas list!!
Opening morning of 1st season shotgun I saw a local guy buying his tag at a convience store. Thing is, that same guy closed the bar the night before. (according to him). I'd bet a weeks wages he hadn't picked up his gun from the year before to practice of even check for accuracy. This is a main reason why I don't hunt shotgun anymore. I would never lump all shotgunners in one bunch cause the majority I believe are respectful hunters, but what happened to Iowabruce puts a bad reflection on alot of people that don't deserve it.
Old Buck,
When I read your post I chuckled at first and then thought, "Please tell me that tresspasser was escorted by the local sherriff to the nearest jail!"
Boy the mentality of some people. We put up with some tresspassing in our area but here is the most common quote I hear. "I've hunted here since I was a kid I'll be damned if I'm going to quit hunting it just because Joe Blow bought this property."
I think I'd set the camtrakker up at the end of the driveway and get a picture of the guys dropping off gut piles on your driveway. I'm sure that ought to be good for a disorderly conduct or trespass charge in itself...maybe even a littering citation. Maybe they can even make some sort of charge stick that would revoke their hunting license for a few years.

I just find it a real shame when you have to spend more time patrolling your land to be sure nobody else is mucking up your hard work.
I have to jump on the wagon of the guys saying use a camtracker. Where I hunt word gets around fast if someone has one in thier woods. You might not even have to spend the money on one. If you can borrow one and catch just 1 or 2 guys, word will get around and people may be less likely to jump the fence. I'm looking at buying one. 50% for the wildlife, 50% for peace of mind.
I shotgun hunt and bowhunt and I realize all the troubles there is around here with the trespassing. I have a few acres arounding my house wich was just a bare field when I got it. It has a timbered creek on one side which hunters did drive during shotgun season so I figured that there would be somebody in mine for the drive it makes senseto have a guy on the edge. But one day there was a guy shooting at a doe that was between him an my house. They were still in the neighborhood when I got home from hunting elswhere so I had a talk with one of them and of course he claimed it wasn't him, maybe it wasn't but it was his group so I told him to make sure to tell the rest if it happened again there was gonna be trouble. It is sad that people can't respect your wishes, one thing that make it hard is if neighbors come thru on your ground you hate to be a bad neighbor and sen them on their way, but I figure they better let me on theirs too if they are on mine.

You may need to buy two trail cameras. The second one is hidden to take a picture of the trespasser stealing the first one!!!
Thats a great idea. The only thing better than catching a trespasser would be catching a theif.

I wish I had a 8x10 glossy of the guy who stole 3 of my stands last year.
Here's another good idea while I'm on a roll...if you get a photo of a trespasser/thief/vandal on film and do not know who it is, make copies of the photo and post it at the local gas stations/diners/sporting goods with a reward offered for identification of the guilty party. I'll bet you anything the locals will know who it is right off the bat and word will get around pretty darn fast.
John V,

Man , you come up with some great ideas, heck I think I could just walk around the small town I hunt around and find them myself. Thanks for all the advice.
This is the same sentiment of many Iowa Farmers who want to lease their land, in return get grief from the people want to hunt it for free. Who wants to have their cake and eat it to?

Old Buck Quote:

A friend told me the following true story which I think illustrates the mentality of some people out there.

He and a buddy saved for years and finally bought their dream piece of hunting ground. They worked hard putting in food plots, developing habitat, passed small bucks, posted and patrolled it but continued to have trespassers sneak in.

Early one morning he was in his stand when another bowhunter crossed the fence and proceeded to unknowingly sneak under the tree stand. When confronted the trespasser looked up at the landowner and said, "You know what the trouble is? You guys buy this land and then act like you own it!"

With respect to "free" hunting by locals. What you're failing to understand is that all of that hunting by locals is not as "free" as you think. How about the mechanic that came out to fix his tractor after hours and didn't charge him what he shoud or could have? Or the plumber that got his well back up and running at 9:00 on a Sunday night in November and didn't sock it to him like he could have. Or the local merchant that cut him a helluva deal on new furniture. The list goes on, but a lot of these are strong relationships/friendships that have developed over the years. Those leasing the land go home and he's left to live amongst these people every day and deal with the bridges he's burnt.
hunt-m-up, i understand all to clearly the pros and cons. I can't dis a man for being a forward thinker and finding alternative ways to make a living or paying the bills.

I am only speaking for the kind of people I mentioned in the above statement. As with any argument not everybody falls into a category and so I can't speak as if they do, only shining the lantern around to see as much as I can.
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