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I have a cheap stealth cam that takes great pictures but i had it facing west with noi branches in front of it and it took pictures. Is this because of the sunset or what. I did get some good pics though but the wasted ones where in the evening. thanks for the help.
I think sometimes a bird, bee, or something like that can set them off and you really don't see anything in the pic. If it happens alot then I would say another problem.
I amno expert but if it the plain green stelth cam like I bought this year, it probally is because of the sunset. My directions stated not to face the camera east or west because of this problem.. My 2 cents..
I have had these cameras before, the only time I got blank pictures was facing west, south, or when the batteries were low. These cameras were worth the money in my opinion.
Just about any camera out there will give you false pics here and there. Try to avoid facing the camera to the west or east as this can give horrible results with the pics. The sun can also have some effects on the sensor by causing the false photos you are seeing.
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