Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Why we do what we do.

I've found that when someone asks me why I love it so much that it's hard to express to them why. If you non-chalantly turn the tables on them and find out what they like best and ask them "why?" then it kind of all falls into place. That's why you should never belittle ANYONE about what "turns them on" because that athlete,computer wizard,fisherman,book reader,etc.,etc.,probably feels the same way about their activities as you feel about hunting.
Someone asked me once why I spent so much time obsessing over hunting and fishing. I stole my answer for a great bowhunter, Fred Bear. I came acrsss this quote in a Bowhunter magazine years ago and it is the perfect explanation of why people like you and I do what we do and love every minute of it. It is written about bowhunting but you could use it for any activity enjoyed in the great outdoors. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

"I hunt deer because I LOVE the entire process, the preparations, the excitement, and the sustaining suspense of trying to match my woodslore against the finely honed instincts of these creatures. On most days spent in the woods, I come home with an honestly earned feeling that something good has taken place. It makes no difference whether I got anything; it has to do with how the day was spent".....Fred Bear.

Enjoy the entire process.
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