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Buck Names



When I harvest a buck I always name him. I know alot of you guys and gals do the same. I thought it would be interesting to hear the names that you have given the bucks you have harvested and even those that are still on the hoof but havent made it to your wall yet.

My on the wall bucks include
Phesant Cack, Wood duck overlook, Sacrifice, First climb, Sierras buck, Anniversary, 500, Bourjailys downpour, and BTB.

Along with all of these names go special memories which fuel my obsession for this awsome creature.
Phesant Cack :D...Dude please tell that story.

Some of my favorites are,
King Kong
Pant Crapper
The 251 Buck
Wall Hog
Typ 14
Massive Maury
Gargantaun Gary............. /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif

That was good,,, cuppl a of those are real but most my bucks are location names.

The Ground Booner
The Triangle Buck
Guthrie Guy
The Block Buck
Browtine Buck
210th st Buck
L B Alley Buck
Plum Thicket buck
Country east buck.....thats a few, with alot that have never been named..don't know why either.
The only ones I have named are

Biff: Boy It's Freakin Frustrating... so close so many times

The Shakes: Took two arrows, with him lookng right at me
I'm new at some of this buck naming. Use to be a shotgun hunter with no cameras so we didn't see bucks till we had them running 100 mph through the timber. Now a bow hunter with several cameras, so it's a helluva lot more fun. So been naming them the last 2 or 3 years.

Big Dog--Dead
Neighbors buck--Dead
Tipped up 8
Wide 8
Split brow tine--Dead
Video buck
11 1/2 pointer
Big 9
Big 9 from last year--Dead (now a 10 pt. that got an arrow Oct.5th)
Kicker buck--Dead
Tall 7
12 with splits
Broken up 8
My First Buck- Dead
Rackus Maximus- Dead
Pal Buck- Dead
The Moosehead Valley Buck 1,2,3,4,& 5- All Dead
Holiday- Missed, either dead or 12 1/2 y.o.

The Knuckle Buck- Have sheds, not dead yet...
Wide Load
Big Ten
Captain Hook
Tall Two
Have trail cam pics and all alive to my knowledge

and then there's that "big ol' sum bitch" that everyone keeps telling me about but I have yet to see...
Kong - dead
Spike - dead
SNAFU - dead
Big 9 - dead, and not so big after all

The 13 - at large
Mr Burns - at large
Hollywood - at large
Unibrow - at large
Heavy Duty - at large
Tank - at large

Tyrone - old skool name from back in the day

good post, i always like to read names of bucks
I named a doe last year I named her after my older sister. She was always bustin me and always tattlin. She doesnt tattle no more
Barney - dead

65 - dead (a 6x5 arrowed on the day of my moms 65th birthday)

Scar - dead

The Barn Buck - dead

Dino - dead

Big 9 - dead, much bigger the year he was taken which was one year after he was named.

Droopy (droopy ear) - probably dead. Saw, videoed, passed many times one season but never again after that.

Mr. Short Brows - alive

Big 8 - alive
Shot one , i named it the homstead special, another, High head harry, and the one im hunting now i have on trail cam, Dream catcher, i can only get film of this brut at night, ive layed low on this one , going back later in the week when the wind is right, just hope if i dont get him now, he may show himself late muzzy season.film isnt showing things now so he must be held up with a hot date, just hoping he comes back to his sanctuary, to give me a chance.
I'm trying to name this 8-point the biggest deer I've ever seen and I'm struggling to come up with a good name for him looking for some help the deer is in my picture by my name
Love naming bucks - AT Large now
  • Richard Simmons
  • Ricky Booby
  • Scrape
  • Hollywood
  • Big Woody - He's big ?
  • High Tower
  • Bull Winkle

Just fun to name them .. Hopefully I get one this up coming season.
I started reading this post and thought for a second Typical 250's ban was lifted... then I looked at the year. Lol

I name some after they're killed, some before and the vast majority still don't have names. I just try to use what is fitting and sometimes nothing fits.

Names I've used:
Triple D- three drops
Sunshine- he always showed up in daylight
Prince- he looked princely I guess
Flyboy- big flyer
Off sides - his sides didn't matchup

Then there's always a ton of deer that are just "the big 8" or "the big ten" or "that narrow 8" or the dirty, spindly, thick, whatever 8. I've spent a lot of time thinking of buck names in the tree stand and half the time I inadvertently call the deer something else and it sticks.
NB- No brows, this year he grew brows-dead
Stickers-Junk all over the place,-At Large
Megatron-At Large and Monstrous
MF Buck-Just a huge main frame 8-At Large
Goliath- is a buck with 3 years history, Main Frame 10 I believe him to be 5-6 years old.-At Large and like a Ghost.

And Chet- Chet was a yearling buck that his antlers touched. And was a real dork. Lived in front of the Cammeras.
On my wall....

Mega Brow
Rehab Mitch
Barnical Boy

Never got or still after.......

Tommy Boy
Wide Load
Lean 2
8 Mile Lyle
Curve Ball
Lloyd Toad
Glove Coovey
Gordon Lipsplits
Rollie Fingers
NKTB (New Kid on the Block)
Naming bucks is a ton of fun and such an easy way to keep track of them. I don't have a ton of them but here's the list that I have named.

Curly - Neighbor shot him in 2015.

Fanner - Had pics for a year and that was it. I did find his sheds from that year though.

4x4 - disappeared.

Flipside - disappeared. - I have his left side from that year.

Chip - Neighbor shot him.

CJ - Neighbor shot him.

Doc Ock - I shot him this year during Late muzzleloader.

Butch Cassidy - Passed him a few times this year.

Sundance Kid - Also passed him a couple times this year.
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