Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Prairie Chickens

Great Pictures as always. Thanks for sharing. I would like to see them during breeding season some time.
Never seen one either. Didnt we establish the pheasant as a game bird because we virtually extincted these years ago ?
I believe it was last weekend, Ringgold county puts on prairie chicken days down to Kellerton wildlife area south off highway 2. They've got platforms to watch mating take place. Pretty neat to see them in person, crazy how loud their drumming is in person. Not sure how successful the re-introduction has been down there in terms of successful breeding, etc but there seems to be a decent population around. If you want to see them in person gotta be there bright and early.
Great pix Shovelbuck!! on another topic, i have access to an older double barrel flintlock & have no idea what it is. Can U call me re: this? 563-590-0250. thx Tom
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