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tree planting


New Member
I had 5 acres of trees planted on Thursday- how long will it take to break dormancy from bagged cold storage?
I would say about a week or so from my experience. It depends on what they are and if they are tubed or not.

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Mix of bur, pin, & black. We got late approval and nursery was out of white oak and walnut.
Site was really best for the mix anyway.
A week to 10 days is pretty normal but I have had some that took a month...so don't give up on any for a while....they've been "sleeping" a little longer then normal!
I'd guess within 10 days. I had trees planted last year and 2 years ago and they appeared to be a loss as of last summer, but they appeared to have really bounced back this year, I guess it was the rain. I just saw the Chicago news about protecting young trees from the 17yr sicada's, is anyone worried about that in new plantings?
Bob from Geode Forestry is coming out today to put in 5 acres of trees for me. I'm sure I'll be full of questions for you guys who have already done this. Its exciting yet nerve wracking.
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