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Advice? Missed Buck???


Staff member
Ok, I am a seasoned bow hunter BUT I want some other folks input. I missed a 180"+ the other night, at least I THINK I missed it (and yes, I am depressed- 1st deer I've missed in 6-7 years). It was getting fairly low light and I could NOT see my arrow and where it hit. The next morning I went to track it- rained all night- NO BLOOD of course. Could not find the arrow. Seemed like he ran off with no injuries, watched him run 30 seconds (did not seem hit). So far I did some light searching, should have done more and I am planning on it. If he's there I will find him & I don't give up if I think there's other methods for a search.

OK, now that it's been a few days, here's where I need the help. If the slight chance of me hitting him and he's dead did occur- what's your suggestions???? Look for crows, listen for coyotes? The obvious grid search? Any tips? I'm trying to get some input from some other sharp hunters- fairly obvious BUT I'd love some suggestions and some "what I would do...." from you you. Thanks!!
That a tough one. Did you hear anything that sounded like a hit rather than a clean miss? I am sure you have hit all the ditches and bedding areas but it is tough not knowing if you grazed him, paunch, etc. I am sure if it was shoulder you would have heard it and if a solid hit, you would have heard that as well, perhaps you simply grazed him or better yet, missed and lost the arrows under the leaves. How far was he, what angle and where were you? Field edge versus timber? I have been there...
You probably already know.....its just gonna suck. If you did hit him and he isnt near that would equate to a possible gut/liver shot. The next obvious thing to do is go to water. You stated everything else that is common search technique.
Not sure if dogs are legal in IA or not but if so?

Been there before. No fun. Keep after it.
I was 30 yards out. I DO NOT do this BUT I stalked up on him- right before dark- my only option. Obviously on the ground. Didn't hear anything anything- I never seem to though. Angle was broadside, on ground, 30, maybe 35 yards. Couldn't see arrow, hear anything, etc.
Well, if it was ground level it would certainly be a lot harder to find an arrow if you did in fact miss. You had the opportunity so you did something right. You never know, you could still get lucky. Exhaust your options. I have heard of guys doing metal detector searches to find arrows. If you have access to one and its practical in the spot your at, it might be worth a shot. If you find the arrow without hair/blood on it. You likely missed. It takes a ton of rain to completely clean an arrow. Good luck
I would first go retrace where exactly you were standing/sitting/kneeling when you shot and see if you can find where the deer was standing and try to figure out beyond where your arrow may have landed had you missed.

I think DOR has a good idea, get a metal detector out there to see if you can locate the arrow. That should makee a fairly quick sweep on the area past the buck where the arrow may be.

Those 180's will do that to ya :D
Where do I get a metal detector, can I rent one and if so, any general suggestions on where to rent one? Great ideas, thanks!
First off I'm sorry for what you're going through right now. Anyone who bowhunts has probably gone through that feeling before. I have once before about 10 years ago and it's no fun.

From your explanation of the shot I would say if you hit him in the liver or gut you should have got a complete pass through and your arrow would most likely be laying on top of the ground a short distance from where he was standing. If you hit hit him in the shoulder or hip you would have probably heard the arrow smack unless it was windy. I know you will carry out every possible method of finding him as you should but realistically it sounds like a clean miss and as someone else said your arrow would be hard to find after a ground level miss. In your searching after I checked all the water and drainages I'd check every blow down or brush pile. In my experience deer like to bed up in these after a hit if they don't go down quickly.

I would also cover my property with cameras. Maybe that would answer all questions to a hit or miss.

Good luck
Take a dog for a walk...not sure what else to say. Good luck...hope you track him down, or get another crack at him.
If it was me I would be putting a lot of efffort into finding the arrow. You might go as far as reenacting the shot with another arrow in the daylight and have someone else help you watch where it hits.

I had a similar thing happen quite a few years ago and I finally found a perfectly clean arrow about 20 yards farther than I thought it would be. It had skipped a couple times.
If you don't find the arrow, watch for crows/buzzards and wander downwind of the property with your nose to the air...I've found one like that before.
if it were me I would take the dog out..look for crows...and make sure to check all the water way ditches a couple times. Good luck with your search, we all know the feeling.
Do you remember if he bucked/jumped when you shot? I really think giving search for the arrow would be the best short term idea that way you don't disrupt the bedding areas and so forth. However, if you don't have any clues surface in the next few days, and if you feel in your gut you may have hit him, I'd probably throw caution to the wind and check the nearest bedding area. At night like that, I'm gonna guess that's where he headed if hit. I had one two years ago that did that very thing under similar circumstances as yours. He was about 300 yards away from the shot.
I bought a cheap metal detecor from Farm and Fleet last year for my son. Im pretty sure it was under $30. It's just a Jr. model but would work for what you need it for.
If you were 2 hours east I'd let you borrow it.
I would put a G5 small game head or judo tip on an arrow and rein-act the shot. The G5 head will keep your arrow from being lost under the leaves etc. Then start searching with your detector in that vicinity. The fact that you didn't start looking til the next morning leads me to believe that if you hit him and the shot was fatal he would be pretty close. Most deer even when shot in the guts etc. usually don't go extremely far...especially when they aren't pushed. If the buck was hit fatally I would think it would be in some of your nearest thickest cover or water if gut shot. Its a 180" buck...he got that big by knowing where to hide and where to go when there was trouble. Good Luck stay optimistic.
this doesnt help out your situation, but ive been in the same boat and now I use luminocks. there pricy but worth every penny.
id say that if you missed and you were flat shooting on the ground your arrow could be 100 yards away from where you shot...less or more depending on what you shoot...and if the ground was even ankle high good luck finding that arrow. ive missed a few times in the mowed yard and never found the arrow...they get under that grass or whatever and just go...if you hit him in the liver i would think he wasnt very far away..if you didnt spook him right away...ive hit more than one in the liver nad just say tight and watched them bed down it takes a while longer for them to pass and it sucked for me watching them at 60 yards laying there when i was wishing i could shoot him again to put him out of his misery but they ended up dying fairly quick....good luck and dont feel like the lone ranger in doing this ,...we all been there

Would lumanocs help?

Had same thing happen and will be shooting some expensive arrows this year when you add lumanocs and rage broad heads to carbon express maxima hunters.

Hope you find it sooner rather then later.
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