Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Lee County numbers?


New Member
Hey guys,
I am planning to go down to Lee county with a couple guys for Jan. Antlerless season. Before anyone jumps to conclusions, I will say that I have one tag, and don't plan on filling it. I am going down for the "deer camp" experience. So with that said...
I will be in the south western quadrant of the county, on private ground. What are peoples impressions of doe numbers in that part of the county in general?
Pretty slim where I am, to the point I would shoot a button buck before a doe. EHD flattened the herd in a lot of areas. Shoot coyotes and other predators if you get a chance.
Lee and Des Moines counties are both hurting bad for numbers. Sad...those used to be two of the best counties to chase deer in this state.
SEIowaDeerslayer said:
Lee and Des Moines counties are both hurting bad for numbers. Sad...those used to be two of the best counties to chase deer in this state.

Just my luck. I finally by a farm in southern Iowa and the deer population plum it's. The biggest difference I have noticed this year is that there has been a major decrease in my sightings of smaller bucks.
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