Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Bird #2 is a little bigger


PMA Member
I finally ended up putting my 2nd bow tag on a pretty good bird, that I have been watching and getting pics of. Over the last month he has caught me drawing in the blind and got away twice, and last week he came into my old stuffed strutter, but I totally missed him. But yesterday, between storms, I saw him strutting and trying to dry out. I was able to sneak in and shoot him, as he went thru a gate.

24 lbs
10 3/4" beard
1 9/16" right spur
1 3/8" left spur
74.88 total

Man, what a bird...I love it that you know the birds on your farm. That is impressive - to scout one bird and get him!

Thanks, he was pretty easy to keep track of, with his messed up gobble, and he usually cut across my horse pasture at least once every day.

Looks like I wasn't the only one after him.

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Good stuff, Joe! When you can see spurs in the trail cam pics you know it's a gagger! Congrats!

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