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2nd Amendment, Walmart and 22LR Shells


PMA Member
We went for a walk at a local nature preserve then went to visit my wife's dad at the care facility. We were waiting for the pizza joint to open a take a carry out home. So we went to the local Walmart cause Mrs. needed a few things and to kill a little time.
I walked by the ammunition counter and low and behold there was a 100 pack of 22LR locked up way in back of the shelf. I got the guy to come over get them for me. He said they would be at checkout aisle #9 when I was ready to checkout. I was tickled to get a pack cause when ever I look the are always sold out. Now the good part.
Time to check out at register #9 there is a young lady attending it so as we were checking out I said the shells were for me. She asked me if the 22LR were for a handgun. Instantly my blood was boiling and I Said Does It Really MATTER she said it had to be answered. I called the leader of our country a bad name :D then she got mad a me ( I know who she supports:rolleyes:) then my blood was boiling even more:mad: when she spouted off to me. My wife was ready to crawl in a hole. I finally told myself to calm down and get out of the store quick. I wish now I would have told them to keep the suckers.
Is this only a Walmart thing to ask this question or is it a law? I don't remember Schells or Theisans asking this question. I would like some feedback as I don't buy a lot of ammo. But when I do buy ammo it won't be at Walmart.
WTH??? Was she not gonna sell em to you if they were for a handgun? or do a background check? or check your carry permit? Guessing she didn't need to see your drivers license to prove you were 21... :rolleyes: Tell her you hold almost all your guns in one hand or the other, sometimes both...
You have to be 21 to buy handgun ammo is why. Her next question would probably be to see an ID. Too bad you took it out on the checker just doing her job. Remember to treat those how you would prefer to be treated. She did not make the policy, she just had to follow it. It doesnt have anythign to do with the 2A or our president, just a walmart policy.

I have worked in retail and it really sucks dealing with customers like that. Next time, just answer her question, purchase your ammo and leave. There's no reason to get riled up about something so simple.
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^^^^Thanks for the answer. Yes it is about 2nd amendment in IMO. That's why I won't buy ammo from then again. The register did ask for my age but she said she wasn't going to put it in. When it comes to dumb store policies I am that kind of customer.
^^^^Thanks for the answer. Yes it is about 2nd amendment in IMO. That's why I won't buy ammo from then again. The register did ask for my age but she said she wasn't going to put it in. When it comes to dumb store policies I am that kind of customer.

I am with you on this one. Things are only going to get worse. No reason to sit back and take all this liberal garbage. All we ever hear about is what those loudmouths have to say. We need to stand up as Americans. Not violently, but to be able to speak out even if it doesn't conform. We need to vote. Criminal will always have guns.
Cabelas has a ton of bulk .22 in stock.. I just got 2 bucket-o-bullets the other day online. 1400 rnds in each one. Didnt ask me my age either... ;)
That's dumb. All she needed to know was that you're 21. It's none of her business nor should she ask what type of gun it's for. I'm usually pretty easy going, but gun stuff gets me fired up these days. Anymore I go to scheels or gun shops for ammo.
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It is questions that come on the register when you check out. You even have to show a id when buying spray paint.
Gotta love this "free" country of ours....

That's the beauty of it...Wal-mart can enact any policy that they'd like (whether a shopper sees it as stupid or not).....and WE can choose to shop there or not. If enough people quit buying ammo for that very reason, they would either change their policy or stop selling ammo.

Part of being a free country is allowing people (and companies) to do what they feel as benefits them (as long as no one is physically harmed or discriminated against). I think some tend to forget that a 'free' country does not mean you will agree with everything someone or some company chooses to do - you have the right to choice. If Wal-mart wants to ask your age to buy ammo, they can, and you can in turn shop elsewhere.

Thus why I feel the libertarian ticket needs to come on a rise. We are way too easily offended as a society on things we don't like or agree with. Let someone live their personal life the way they see fit. If a company wants to do business a certain way you don't like, do business elsewhere.

My point was, there's no reason to get upset at the person working the cash register. You can either buy the ammo (or not) and complain to the proper people in management. The cash register worker cannot change the Wal-Mart policy.

Just because you don't agree with something does not mean our country is not free. That's exactly what makes it free - choice.
^^^^Thanks for the answer. Yes it is about 2nd amendment in IMO. That's why I won't buy ammo from then again. The register did ask for my age but she said she wasn't going to put it in. When it comes to dumb store policies I am that kind of customer.

Agree 100%. I have never been asked that question at a WM. Just bought 3 - 100 packs last week at the Pella WM and had a friendly chat about ammo with the lady. I am guessing your intuition is correct about her political leanings. I would have questioned her as well.
Unrelated product but Walmart and other stores sell automotive refrigerant with no questions asked but I've had to be licensed and take continuing ed courses to handle it for years. Makes no sense to me.
"Automotive refrigerant"?!?!?! Oh- it's absolutely related!!!! U mean- anyone can go in there and buy stuff for VEHICLES?!?! VEHICLES are dangerous and do u realize what a maniac can do with a vehicle- like run down masses of people in France!! They should be banned!!!! Especially ASSAULT VEHICLES!!! U know... High fuel capicity vehicles with Fully Automatic Transmissions!!! Now that's dangerous. *side note- id also advocate the banning of swimming pools and vending machines. More kids are drown or crushed by vending machines than I care to even site. Add vehicle deaths- staggering. No 2nd amendment right to any of them either!
Screw this gun debate. U criminals can't control your guns & what they do- we all know that. 2nd amendment was made for squirrel hunting only as well. Out of hand. But- let's face it- our real threat now is really vehicles. Assault vehicles. Back to horse & buggy folks. U don't need and can't be trusted with thousands of pounds of steel traveling over 100mph. Aside from world peace- my goals for the world is a world free of vehicles of any type, swimming pools, vending machines, Sharks, icicles/ice & ice fishing (ban all 3), ban flooding, high fat foods & spoons and maybe most importantly... I personally think we should have a full ban on smiling, happiness & success or anything that is contrary to leftist views!! Petitions coming & I believe my platform will be completely adopted by Hillary's campaign even though it's so watered down compared to their original plans. ;)
I called the leader of our country a bad name :D then she got mad a me ( I know who she supports:rolleyes:) then my blood was boiling even more:mad: when she spouted off to me. My wife was ready to crawl in a hole.

Should have cussed out Lyndon B. Johnson, i believe he was president when the 21 handgun law was signed.
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