Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company
Antler Lab
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  • I start from 7 weeks, and it makes the process less frustrating. When you tell your dog to come blow the whistle (sequence you want I use tweet tweet tweet...) when he comes give him a high valued treat.......when you tell him to sit blow the whistle once (tweeeeet) and give him a high value treat. I would do this on a check cord to start. That is the quick version.
    Yea i do not plan on using is while hunting. But i want him to be obedience trained before i get out in the field. How did you start whistle training your pup?
    Do you train your dogs with a shock collar? I can't decide if i want to get one or not. My problem is that my pup listens 90% of the time. But the other 10 percent he does what he wants. I just want to know that when i say HERE he comes. As of right now he normally will. But sometimes he will just look at me and then keep doing what he wants. This is not a problem i want to have out in the field.
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