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  • Thanks. I just spent 3 days walking and scouting areas around Chariton. Didn't put out any cameras this time but i intend to the first week of Oct. Way too much water up there right now. I couldn't get to half of the areas that I wanted to scout. The B level roads were impassible as well!
    It hasn't gotten any drier. The next week looks pretty wet.
    Noticed that your trail pics were labeled "public land" Quick question.....do you have a problem with theft? I am coming up the end of the month to do some scouting and intended to hang a couple cameras. I will be back in early Oct. to scout and possibly hang a few more cameras. Just curious how big of a problem trail cam theft is on the public ground? Thanks in advance!
    It depends. This was the 3rd yr. I've had cams out on public. I've had no issues, but I can also count on 1 hand the number of people I've gotten pics of on this property. My brother put cams on a different property this year, and his cams disappeared in the 1st month.
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