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Barnes Expander out of a Knight


PMA Member
Anyone who has shot Barnes expanders know how hard it is to shove them down a barrel. Last week at the Classic I was talking to one of the Knight guys about that and other stuff and he said this one Barnes in the 285 gr size has been shooting really well from the Knights. I guess I didn't ask him on the load. Barnes also came out with an easy load sabot but I havn't tried those yet.
I am using the TMZ and have been having good success. I used to use the expander but put them on the shelf because of the hard loading.
I have used .50 cal 250 grain expanders for several years in my MK-85. I just put some bore butter on the sabot before loading. I also punch the bore before reloading and apply bore butter. It's worth the effort at 100 yards. I also solved the cold weather issue with bore butter. I put it into an empty chapstick tube when it is warm. You can keep it in a pocket near your body and twist it out quick when below freezing. /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cool.gif

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