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Cam settings?


Active Member
What are guys favorite settings? Pic vs video? Delay between pics? Video length? Number of pics shot at once? Interested in what other like compared to what I have been doing. I mainly do pics with one shot and short delay. Just started playing with video but not sure what video settings are best. Also a bit on the fence between pic and video.
With a good cam video is fun, just need a big card in there.

I've always been a fan of 3 or 5 burst shots with a 1 or 5 minute delay, usually 1 minute. I have a lot of blank shots but once in awhile you get that big boy trailing a bunch of dinks in the bachelor group.
I usually have it on picture although video is fun. 2 or 3 shot burst and 1 minute delay.
I mean towards pics 95% of the time and always run 3 or 5 shot burst with a 1 minute delay. Just as Muddy said to try and get more angles and also hopefully catch the big boy behind the other bucks or the doe. I will switch a few over to video during the Chase phase and some over scrapes if I want some good entertainment
Depends, if on a trail with no attractant then a one minute delay on photo mode; a one minute delay on a corn pile/mineral site will fill your card quick if it isn't huge.
I've messed with video a couple times, neat, but it also fills your cards quick and requires more time to go through everything. All the different angles you get of a moving buck is awesome for identifying them though.
I typically run a 3 shot burst with 10 sec delay (shortest on current cameras). Get a lot of "blank" pics if it is windy in front of tall grass tho. One camera I have only does 1 pic at a time and I'm not sure what the delay is (can't do burst or change delay). I run that one on video and don't put it where it will get as much traffic. Have never filled the 2GB (all it will handle) card on that one, but have filled 8GB cards on the others. Need to get bigger cards!
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