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Grass seeding


PMA Member
Hey y'all, I know this isn't whitetail related but thought I'd ask a bunch of guys who know how to plant stuff right!

We started building a house this past spring and now it's getting to the end and I need to get some grass seed down. Just had a bunch of black dirt put down on our front yard, nothing put down out back. Our house is right up against the timber. Have about 30 ft or so that I need to plant out back before the tree line starts.

Here's the process I was thinking:
1 get big clumps out and fertilize
2 harrow in the starter fertilizer
3 seed
4 Go over with cultipcker

Anything else I should be doing? Straw on erodible areas? Erosion mats?

Think I got a pretty good grasp on it, but any help would be much appreciated.

I think I would get it fairly smoothed out, then try to get a good rain on it prior to a final smoothing and seeding. Rain will really settle your soil, better than anything else IMO. Then seed it and cover it with straw and then water it and I think you will be golden.
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Straw is a good idea for erosion control n helping to keep moisture but it is not going to allow ur soil to warm up as fast n ur seed won't come up good at all. If u can put some black dirt on the back just lite layer it will be worth it in the end. If u would have done this 2 or more weeks ago I'd say u got a great plan but it's getting cool at night dropping that soil temp n with covering that seed sun will have a tough time warming the soil
If you want to be more precise on fertilizer I'd get a soil test and make sure your ph is right. That way you can incorporate any amendments into the soil.
Also I'm not sure on your location but here is southern Minnesota, we are past the late summer seeding date and will focus on dorminate seeding in late oct - early
November depending on weather. If your far enough south you still may have time for a late summer seeding. If so, you need to water 2-3 times a day, during the day. 10-20 minutes per time. Erosion blanket or straw will really help hold in moisture as well. Good luck.
Thanks for the replys. I didn't check the ph, didn't really have time with the rains we had coming tonight I wanted to get some seed down. Had a lot of help and got it all planted. Ran out of the tack straw and had to run to theisens and get more. Got the rest down and it started pouring. Will probably have a few washouts, but can always reseed those.
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