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Hilarious Article

I think their on to something! We should let the deer starve and die that way so the population decreases... let the deer destroy their habitat so they don't have a place to eat/sleep and then they'll just die off... genious :thrwrck:

While several studies have suggested that sterilization programs may provide an effective, long-term solution to controlling deer populations, hunting just makes the problem worse. It's been shown, for example, that in hunted populations, does are more likely to have twins rather than single fawns and are more likely to reproduce at a younger age. Immediately following a hunt, there's less competition for food. The surviving deer are better nourished, which can lead to a higher reproductive rate and lower neonatal mortality.

The state agencies responsible for wildlife "management" know this, of course, but they're primarily run by hunters, who hardly have the animals' best interests in mind. So, instead of setting up sterilization programs, they destroy the deer's homes by clear-cutting to increase the amount of vegetation for the deer to eat—further increasing their population. Such programs help to ensure that there are plenty of animals for hunters to kill (not to mention plenty of revenue from the sale of hunting licenses).
I think their on to something! We should let the deer starve and die that way so the population decreases... let the deer destroy their habitat so they don't have a place to eat/sleep and then they'll just die off... genious :thrwrck:
Animals are way better off to not be healthy so they have fewer offspring. :D
Here is what I posted...says it will show up shortly, but may need to be modified...can't wait to see :D

"Wow, lots of mis-information here from people with agendas. Healthy does do have more/healthier fawns. Too many deer on a given range cause over-browsing of shrubs/forbs/seedlings which leads to the disappearance of certain plant species.
For most states, gun hunting season starts peak rut, which is the time bucks are far more active chasing/seeking/tending does in estrous. Does run from the bucks and try to hide from them...sometimes onto the roadway which causes accidents to peak at that time.
Saying clearcutting destroys the home of deer is laughable, many species benefit from the regeneration of early successional growth. Lots of forbes/wildflowers come back when sun hits the forest floor which benefit many game and non-game species. Deer love those areas and it makes better "homes" for them as well. They have more screeing cover, better browse, and more diversity in plast species for the pollinators.
A mature forest with little understory is not very benefical for deer at all.
I sure hope people understand the truth someday about this all and really how habitat/animals cohabitate. There is a balance needed...this statement,"With more people (hunters) in the woods, deer are spooked out of wooded areas—OFTEN OUT ONTO THE ROAD."
There is no basis to this statement, when deer are pressured by hunters, they look for the thickest places to hide, sure SOMETIMES that may put them across a road...not often tho."
I'm sure they will delete it, I had a friend write something similar on there. It was something very logical and backed by science and reason, and they deleted it. These people are delusional and in their own little world of denial. I told him not to get too worked up about it, people that are insane enough to believe this garbage aren't going to listen to anyone anyways.
Straight from the comment from Deborah Wellborn: the same with the excuse "but, I eat what I kill" - ok, but weren't you just at the grocery store buying meat - why do you need to go hunt down an innocent animal to kill it???????????? Bottom line, hunters enjoying killing animals - there is no necessity to it!

HMMMM......And where did that meat at the grocery store come from???? Probably a NON-innocent cow right?
Peta P-eople E-eat T-tasty A-animals! There always going to say some crap like this. I read it then laugh about! Just a bunch of people that don't know what there talking about.

Read the comments at the bottom of the article
It comforts me knowing that when the grid goes down and shit is really hittin the fan, my family will be warm,dry and full. Peta and the like, well nature can have at em full bore. And nature's gonna win.................ck
It comforts me knowing that when the grid goes down and shit is really hittin the fan, my family will be warm,dry and full. Peta and the like, well nature can have at em full bore. And nature's gonna win.................ck

Exactly, these people are pretty far disconnected from nature... kinda ironic for a bunch of tree huggers. :D It makes me laugh reading those comments on the article
I take it you guys are not interested in the 30 day pledge to eat vegan? I'm thinking about it while I finish my deer brat lunch.
more fun reading

So they would rather sterilize deer. Yeah, thats humane, sorry deer, you can't have babies, your whole purpose in life is just to walk around and look cute for the tree huggers.

Not to mention how many millions of taxpayer dollars it would cost to sterilize a deer herd. Then they would complain about big government taking all their money. You can't win with these people.
Most of the comments on that article are completely asinine. Some of these people have their heads so far up PETA's rear's that they can't and won't think for themselves.

Mary DeMarchi commented:
11-28-2011 3:42 PM
People can be such idiots. I say give the deer guns & loads of ammo.
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Most of the comments on that article are completely asinine. Some of these people have their heads so far up PETA's rear's that they can't and won't think for themselves.

What you get after generations of young taught that they came from animals. Deer are our brothers and sisters, don't you know that? Also what you get from generations moving to cities.
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