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Iowa NR Draw

My area in Iowa was hit pretty good with EHD in 2012 but was spared for the most part last year from what I heard. I pray that the entire state is spared this year . I feel for you guys who have to worry about it every summer. Thanks for the well wishes all. Sligh, when you say this season is looking better than the last several, is that is terms of growth, numbers, weather, crops, dead deer (EHD)?
Last couple been tough. One year we had a drought that seemed to have set things back a good bit. Then last year we came out of horrid winter & super late spring. Plus ehd.
this year we had mild winter, normal spring, weekly rain & everything is growing like crazy. If we avoid ehd- deer should be doing great for racks, growth, etc.
Covid 19 didnt slow down most nr from applying for tags. Looking at the numbers it appears the total of NR who applied was down by 115 individuals. That's not much. But it does not account for those who just purchased points and that may have impact on draw odds for years to come.
2019 total application 9734.
2020 total application 9619.
Be thankful for a free country to be able to even have opportunities to hunt/fish as residents and non residents!!!!
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