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What are your thoughts? I see you are an outfitter, so I understand why you're complaining about NR tags, but I'm interested in why you think access is decreasing?
You have already made assumptions that are not true - as is always the case when someone tries to enlighten an IBA member. I never made a complaint - I stated a fact. I guide a few hunts so I can afford my lease because I don't have the money to buy ground. You also assumed that I stand to benefit financially from the increase. Absolutely not true. When you get to the level of contribution and commitment to improving Iowa deer hunting that I am at, dollars in your pocket don't matter. I HAVE NEVER MADE A DOLLAR FROM DEER HUNTING, but I have contributed dollars in the 6 digit range to improve Iowa Deer Hunting.

If you are willing to keep the BS out of the discussion, and put your full name and address in front of the public, I would be willing to discuss. However, I have no desire to defend my motives and contributions to people hiding behind a computer. Feel free to attack and revel in your ignorance.

I didn't mean to offend you, that's for sure. It's obvious you have some serious issues. Hopefully your rude post get's yanked and we can get on with this discussion without name calling and putting people down.
I was about 1 sec away from pushing the submit button to reply to your post DC.
I could not do it because I did not feel that I or even yourself could reply or disagree adquetly over this forum. I spent better part of a half hour writing out a reply only to delete it. This type of agenda needs to be discussed openly in person I beieve to get a true feeling as to where a person is coming from and to truly understand and come to some type of agreement that both sides can live with. It is to easy to put the blame down on paper or on this computer. I for one will not head that direction on this forum because as a member for several years I have seen it head in a nasty direction.
We need to find a more positive way to agree to disagree. I can tell you I disagree with your position but would rather tell you why in person and listen to your response and respond in a constructive manner that benefits us both as well as the subject we are discussing. You can read alot more into a person by looking him in the eye than by reading what he writes.
Some people in this world only get to argue over where the next meal is coming from.

I guess I am a little bit disturbed by the facts coming out of the IBA. I hear they are in complete agreement with the DNR and then I hear the opposite. Thanks to the IBA we still have a cap on NR Archery permits of 35% which means the remainder of 65% are gun tags. Who do you think is going to kill the most Iowa bucks? I would put my money on the gun hunters!! Well there goes the deer to hunt next year.
bkhntr - The IBA did not support the whole 30-35,000 tags they wanted to increase. We are always as supportive of the DNR. We thought there might be a couple of thousand more tags released for 04' but that got tabled in the legislature last week. The thing is, is that the DNR is short $2 million in their budget, they are down too many officers which is a shame. I myself personally think that the DNR needs to start increasing the fees on fishing, boating, hiking, camping, etc. Why is it always the deer hunters that end up flipping the bill. If it ends up that we have to pay a little more to hunt this fall to keep it the way it is now, I'm fine with that. That's MY OWN PERSONAL OPINION. The IBA meetings are always open to whoever would like to attend. Please fell free to call your area rep or board member with any questions or concerns. Please check their web site: www.iowabowhunters.org
I agree with supertec that someone besides hunters need to help pull part of the load. There was a story on the news (KCRG 9) last week that said hunter numbers were down 20% over the last ten years. I'm afraid that raising license fees might discourage more hunters.. a nasty treadmill to be on (continued fee increases for fewer and fewer hunters).
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