Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Longbow Tom

Im callin bs. U didnt have a thousand dollar bow, dsd decoys, a rack pack or bullheads or a double bull blind. Without these things there is NO way to shoot a turkey. Bull roar! :)

:D:D Funny stuff Limb:D And imagine this........my bow is 5 years old!!!!!:p
I spotted the nearest pine tree that looked like I could blend in to and became one with it.;)

That must have been a pretty good sized tree! :D Seriously, congrats on the successful hunt, your hunts and pictures are always awesome. :way: I hope your thumb gets better too.
Shovel---I don't know you from Adam but every story you tell it seems like I am getting to know you more & more. Well Done!! Great read thanks for sharing.
That's a sweet story and a beautiful bird, Jay. I really love that second picture, the colors are vibrant!!! Good Job
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