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NR and Antlerless Allocation


WI Shedhead

Since this is the IBA forum, this is to IBA members, Directors and Lobbyists.
First off I am a 10 year NR member of the IBA.
The issue I have is not with the number of NR liscenses in Area 9 where I hunt, but with the way they are divided up and how the NR Bowhunters are being discriminated against.

The 600 liscenses should be equally awarded to the 1320 people that put in for area 9 tags with no discrimination for weapon choice. Thier are many good reasons for this.

First, lets just say that 600 bowhunters drew these tags for one year. The resource can definately handle this and I know from 13 years of hunting in this area that thier is plenty of room for these bowhunters here. Even if all 600 hunted on the same day across the unit it would mean each hunter would only be impacting several thousand acres per person. I have seen very little hunting pressure from ANYONE in the areas I hunt, even during the rut, and it seems ridiculous that the concept of a few more bowhunters one year or the next would severly impact anything.

Second, many gun hunters have a trump card available to them already. They buy the antlerless tags and party hunt during the gun season with other NR's or with residents at a cheaper rate. Why buy a gun liscense if they can get virtually the same thing for cheaper. I tried to buy an antlerless tag over the phone on the first day they were available. After 4 hours of trying I finally got through and was told they were sold out for my area. Doesn't it seem peculiar that people would be beating down the doors for NR antlerless tags at $239.50? So basically there are 2500 extra antlerless party hunting tags avaiable to the gun hunters.
Thier should be 2500 antlerless tags available to bowhunters and muzzleloader hunters that cannot be party hunted off of. These tags would get used instead of abused and for that should be sold at the "Holiday rate" of $139.50 for hunters that did not draw an any deer liscense and for $50.50 for hunters that drew an any deer liscense and want an additional antlerless tag.

Third, and one thing that people don't consider very often is that bowhunters spend more money in Iowa simply because of the season length and the resrictions on our weapons. When I draw a tag I spend close to 3 weeks a year in Iowa shed hunting, erecting stands and hunting. Most gun hunters make it a long weekend at best.

45% of the hunters that put in for NR any-deer liscenses for Iowa are bowhunters. Figure in the 2500 antlerless party-hunting tags available to the gun hunters and as you can see we are being slapped in the face. Like I said, I support the 600 liscense quota in my area, and I am a member of the IBA. I hope this thread does not fall on deaf ears as this is a real problem. I have discussed this with the Director of wildlife for the State of Iowa and he said the reason this cap is on is because this is what the IBA wanted. I hope this isn't the case because the mission of a bowhunting organization should be to promote ALL bowhunting not just resident hunting within the Iowa borders.

Thanks for your time,

Was going to respond myself,but wanted to get it right ,so I asked legislative man and here is his reply:
The 35%, as written in law, was not a result of the efforts of the IBA; it
was done by a Des Moines legislator as an amendment in 1996 without our
knowledge or support. Prior to that, as a compromise to many bowhunters
during the original non-resident law passage, we had an unwritten agreement
with the DNR that guaranteed that no less than 35% of the would be archery
tags. This was done because it was feared that most of the tags would go to
gun hunters and the bowhunter would be pushed out.

In all the negotiations the past number of years we have made no efforts to
keep the 35% rule and have publically stated many time that we don't care.
However, its there and since no changes have been allowed to the basic
non-resident law structure, it probably be there for a while. We have
nothing to admit to, we didn't do it.

It is always interesting to listen to the debate on the 35% rule. There are
plenty in the DNR who feel this locks out too many shotgun hunters and there
are nonresident who feel they are kept from a license when the truth is
there chances of obtaining a nonresident archery license will go down if
this percentage is eliminated.

Hope is answers your question.That was pretty close to my thoughts but wanted to make sure.

Thanks for your reply and I appriciate the record getting set straight. A couple of questions-

1)How did the number allowed on a NR group application go from 4 to 15 a few years back fly with the IBA? I assume this was put in to give the outfitters a bone to chew on for awhile?

2) Is thier any way of getting the idea passed along about some NR bow/muzzleloader only antlerless tags? The two farms I hunt on are thick with deer and the residents can't keep them down and the farmer and his kids don't hunt. He shakes his head when we tell him we can't use his farm tags. We're trying to be part of the solution. Dead antlerless deer, more revenue for the struggling DNR- this should be a nobrainer for the legislature!!!

Agree with shedhead in regards to antlerless tags, especially farm tags. One of the landowners who allows meto hunt begs me to just use one of his tags"no one will know" and of course i just cant do that!!! I would like to use all his tags to cut the doe numbers down since i live just across the border in MN. But not a possibility currently!

Also I have always wondered how the Dnr allocates the anysex tags. How do they decide that zone 5 gets 560 bow tags and zone 9 only gets 210?

Anywho just curious?

Your comment "the truth is thier chances of obtaining a NR archery liscense will go down if it (the cap) is eliminated." is probably based on perception rather than the facts.

Take area 9 for example. In 2003 thier were 688 bowhunters apply for 210 tags for a best draw rate of 31% which translates into every 3 years for us.
And in the same year thier were 632 gun hunters apply for 390 gun tags for a best draw rate of 62% which virtually guarentees tags every other year and some will get one with no preference. Now add in the 2500 antlerless party gun hunting tags and it gives my previous argument some beackbone. We are getting screwed on this no matter what anyone says.

Please forward this on to other IBA members.

WI Shedhead, the samething is happening in zone 5. The 35% max is getting reached then the remaining 65% of the tags go to the gun hunters. I figured it out the other day and it's about 50/50 gun vs bow applications.

I think they should just set a bow quota and a gun quota and do away with the 35%.

I would like to see an equal distribution of opportunity for both gun & bow. I would not be apposed to a 35% cap on NR gun hunters (ie 65% tag alotted for bow).

I also would support banning the right to party hunt for NR doe only tag holders.
"Also I have always wondered how the Dnr allocates the anysex tags. How do they decide that zone 5 gets 560 bow tags and zone 9 only gets 210?"

Still waiting for someone to take a stab at my ?

I'd suggest contacting Willy Suchy, Iowa DNR "Wildlife Division" deer biologist. I'm sure he could answer that question for you.
After I worked the numbers for area 9 I did the rest of the states draw odds for bow and gun.

Zone 1 Bow 97% Gun 91%
Zone 2 Bow 72% Gun 113% (Tags Exceed Applicants)
Zone 3 Bow 50% Gun 128% (Tags exceed Applicants)
Zone 4 Bow 43% Gun 70 %
Zone 5 Bow 43% Gun 87%
Zone 6 Bow 30% Gun 81%
Zone 7 Bow 41% Gun 59%
Zone 8 Bow 54% Gun 85%
Zone 9 Bow 31% Gun 62%
Zone10 Bow 58% Gun 78%

Until I worked these I had no idea how unfair these allocations are. Maybe I am whining a bit here but does any body else think this is bull?

WI Shedhead
I'm not about to whine and cry like some other guys do on some other sites i frequent, but i was starting to get use to the every other year iowa hunt now that it could go to 1 in 4 years. I will wallow in my self pity! However, if its important enough to you, you can always move to iowa.

I don't think the current regs will last through another session at the capital though. Every year the people who are pushing for increased NR allocations get closer to passing it. I believe they missed by one vote to get the bill to the floor this year. I bet it will get out of commitee next year.

I just hope that nothing radical happens to ruin the great hunting I experience in NE Iowa.

At the same time I hope i can once again get a chance to bowhunt everyother year without comprimising my quality experience!
The bottom line in Zone 9 the non-resident bowhunters are getting the short end of the stick. It will take three years maybe four to get drawn and a non-resident gun hunter will for sure get drawn every two years and about 25% will get drawn their first year.

Non-resident tags should be allocated by preference points, irregardless of what weapon you choose to use. That way whether you are a bow hunter, shot gun or muzzeloader hunter you get equal chances of being drawn and not getting penalized for your gear of choice.
WI Sheadhead. I live in zone 9, have all my life.Even though the Quotas seem off, and they may be. I would really like to let you know that the pressure from NR hunters along the river coridor is a LOT MORE intense than you may guess.
On any given weekend throughout archery season-you will see More WI and MN plates parked along the roads than IA plates. And with Iowa's lack of trespass prosecution laws you see in WI.,you would be AMAZED at the NR violation.This is NOT directed at you personally-there are ethical hunters out there!! Ihave personally chased up to 6 NON RESIDENT TRESPASSERS off one property in 3 weeks time. And the worst part about it was that they did'nt care. No fear, No guilt-but they just had to let me know how much $$$$$$ they had spent and how they DESERVED an Iowa Trophy.
Non-Residents should be able to hunt these awesome whitetails. Personally, I feel that if you are drawn every three years thats enough. Points should be the system,as it is for the Western States big game. What you are offered is a great chance at a quality trophy hunt that most would consider a once in a Lifetime Hunt.

You have raised some interesting points and maybe the quotas will be raised in the near future. Ya know 210 tags now in 9 is a lot better than 000 tags 10 years ago !
I'm certain that for each unit the total tag allocation numbers are based on a desired reduction number for the herd. I'm also sure that the gun hunters success rate is higher than bowhunters. Based on just the numbers alone, most politicians will feel that firearms season is a more viable tool to use for herd reduction. Couple this with the complaints of crop damage and deer auto accidents it would be very difficult to get the weapon type numbers reversed, or evened out for that matter. I'm amazed that the you've been able to keep that split at 65/35 for this long, really.
I think an effort to change this through the legislature could end with the opposite outcome you desire. Be careful what you wish for, you just might get it.
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