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Party Hunting ML Season

I heard this excuse for passage yesterday also. Everyone in southern Ia. is doing it already.(I heard that from my 3 girls 30 yrs ago,but Dad everybody doing it. Yep everybody but you 3)
Two thoughts
1. It's illegal
2. Not everybody is doing it
my response

Senator Dearden and I are talking about having an interim study committee to investigate all of the deer seasons and out of state licenses this summer. Like you said, there is a lot of overlap – the DNR has tried to give everybody and their brother their own special season and it’s getting too complicated. We will see if we are privileged to serve on that commission if we have one.
stay in touch and stay safe,
What's going to happen is people are going to get shot by "coyote" hunters who have 3rd season shotgun tags.... errr late muzzle loader tags. This is a terrible idea and is only going to allow more opportunities for non-ethical hunting to take place. The part that sucks is people who spend money to improve habitat and provide food for the deer on their farm will essentially have no season to hunt where someone who wants to be a d-bag can't jack up a hunt. I am working to improve the farm I grew up on, learning to appreciate the sport and it sucks knowing that if this passes I will likely have hunts jacked up by the style of hunting that takes place around the farm. Ruins my plans of establishing a place where I can take my boys when they get old enough to hunt without having to worry about other hunters since few hunters in the area currently hunt late muzzleloader season.

When is there a gun season where every hunter is required to hunt with consequence of being tagged out when you blast the first buck you see? Last time I checked everyone that only has one buck tag makes sure that they are shooting something they are proud of before pulling the trigger. THIS is part of what has made this state the attractive choice of hunters around the nation. If you want to shoot the hell out of deer, go to the southern states and do it. Everyone knows why people want to come here and it's not for the camaraderie of doing deer drives in zero degree weather.

Hopefully I made all valid points without being too selfish but that is how I feel about this season.
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This would be a great time to throw out a plug to join the IBA. As a newly elected Board member of the IBA I am learning a ton of what the IBA does that I did not know. They are on the pulse of all these new laws and I have been reading and sending dozens of emails daily with fellow board members as well as our representatives. We have to fight daily just to keep what we have here from being destroyed.

Joining is easy and you really can make a difference. Go to http://www.iowabowhunters.org/joiniba.htm - you can even use paypal. Post up if you have joined or renewed to the IBA and if you have made your calls or emails to your representatives to express your thoughts on the bills at hand.

Just rejoined, I think I let my membership go overdue but I was still getting all the emails. Figured I should stop free loading. Also sent out about a dozen emails to those folks listed.
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Still have yet to hear one good reason to pass this bill or any positive outcome of it - all I hear from everyone is negative connotations. Why is it still alive? What do they know that we don't?
Still have yet to hear one good reason to pass this bill or any positive outcome of it - all I hear from everyone is negative connotations. Why is it still alive? What do they know that we don't?

I'm wondering the same thing!
Is everybody more upset because it would allow party hunting using other peoples tags? Or that more people would group hunt?
  • Deleted by N/A
I don't like it because..........

1. The groups will split up who buys buck tags for the shotgun seasons and, if this passes, the muzzle loader season. I'm sure this happens now, illegally of course.
2. More wife's and non-hunting family members will have muzzy tags then ever before.

Both of these had up to more pressure on mature deer and really all the deer.

I don't get a muzzy tag unless I filled my archery tag before the break. I don't know if there will be more driving of deer during muzzy if you can party hunt it but I expect it. The deer are twitchy enough after shotgun as it is. I do like hunting with my muzz and besides the limited early season it is the only time to really hunt with a gun in relative peace. That will change when groups are working to fill their last buck tags.

As it sits right now if you want to party hunt there are two seasons to do it. IMO that is enough.
I agree with all of that I was just wondering because I didn't know if it would be that much different because a lot of people already group hunt ml season now. I agree a lot of tags get abused too much now also
Hope it doesnt pass, that would be one more thing for everyone to complain about next year. Cant take any focus off the late antlerless season. Which by the way, over 2 weeks since that season closed and alot of deer are still holding there head gear.:D
I don't think it passed, unless I missed something under the changed laws section of the deer hunting regulations for this year.
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