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Plot Project...ideas greatly appreciated.

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: bushman</div><div class="ubbcode-body">The plot is starting to look really good!! </div></div>


Its really amazing what some time and hard work can do /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif

I know its exspensive, but a hour or two with a dozer in there would make your life much easier. I am sure I am preaching to the choir but it would make it easier to take care of your plots for years to come.
It's got a cam hanging on it right now. Some activity, not a super turn out, ryegrass choked alot out. Some clover and brassicas for them though.
Hey Kaare, glad I got to see this post. It is pretty much the project I am planning for next year out here. I just bought 160 acres deep in the bush and plan on clearing some for a plot. I have the same tools to work with as you. I think in the spring i will have a high ho in to pull some stumps and try to figure out some way of getting the area disced for the first time. Then I'll try to get about 2 acres of turnips in there. Should be a good project for the next 20 years getting trails, cabin, and plots in there.
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