Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company


Deer Nut

PMA Member
It's been a long time since I've hunted rabbits. This summer my oldest turned 8. She has gone deer and turkey hunting with me and she LOVES going. She can't wait to shoot a deer or turkey. The other day I asked her if she wanted to go rabbit hunting. I figured it was a chance for her to shoot the 22 and learn more about hunting in general. She loved it. She shot her first rabbit. She told me the cuter they are the tastier they are haha! The real surprise of the day was the moment I remembered just how much fun it was. Tomorrow I have a day off and i'm calling coyotes in the morning but after that i'm going rabbit hunting. After all the years of chasing things with antlers i'm actually a little excited to go after some small game again. And best of all, I can go rabbit hunting with my daughter now. What a great thing, a rabbit.
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